American researchers say they have
found the strongest connection between ozone(臭氧) pollution and damage to health.
Their findings show that short-term increases in ozone lead to higher death
rates in cities. Ozone is form of oxygen. The gas is produced naturally in the upper atmosphere to protect the earth against radiation from the sun. But human activities can also create ozone in the lower atmosphere. Gasses from cars and industry react with sunlight to form this ozone. Levels usually increase in the warmer months. Ozone is the main chemical in smog, the air pollution that is a combination of fog and smoke. Ozone has been connected with heart and lung problems especially, and with higher rates of hospital cases. Researchers from Yale University and Johns Hopkins University did the study. Michelle Bell of Yale was the lead researcher A. the present ozone level in America is safe to people B. there is no direct connection between ozone and death rates C. the study of ozone and death rates has been done several times D. America has a worse problem with ozone than other countries [单项选择]近年来,“低碳”一词随处可见。所谓“低碳生活”,就是指生活作息时所耗用的能量要尽量减少,从而减低碳,特别是二氧化碳的排放量,从而减少对大气的污染,减缓生态恶化。以下做法不符合低碳生活的一项是______。
A. 手机一旦充电完成,立即拔掉手机充电插头 B. 使用废旧报纸擦洗玻璃,尽量减少使用玻璃清洁剂 C. 为了充分利用电能,将冰箱内空间填满食物 D. 每天使用传统的发条闹钟,替代电子闹钟 [多项选择]沙坪镇有名的公园有()。
A. 南山公园 B. 鹤山公园 C. 北湖公园 D. 东湖公园 [填空题]
June 8, 2009
Dear Sirs, Many thanks for your offer (报价) dated May 26th for leather shoes and for the illustrated catalogues you very kindly sent us. We appreciate the high quality of your goods, but unfortunately we are not in a position to accept the offer on your terms. Your prices appear to be on rather high side and they will leave us little or no margin of profit. As you may know, this is an area in which the principal demand is for goods in the medium price range, and leather shoes of the same quality from some other suppliers are now available in this market at much lower prices than yours. Some suppliers even offer a special discount of as high as 20% on orders exceeding $15 000. Much as we would like to do more business with you, it is rather difficult for us to accept the prices you offered. Unless you can reduce your prices by 10%, we will have no choice but to [判断题]受电弓最大工作电流是2160A。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]根据我国《公司法》的规定,股东会作出下列哪种决议时必须经代表2/3以上表决权的股东通过( )。
A. 修改公司章程 B. 增加或减少注册资本 C. 公司合并、分立或者解散 D. 决定发行公司债券 [单项选择]治疗妊娠期高血压脾虚证,应首选( )
A. 天仙藤散 B. 白术散 C. 真武汤 D. 肾气丸 E. 四苓散 [判断题]施工开通后有第1、2、3…列限速要求的列车,由列车调度员单独发布限速调度命令,可不设置列控限速。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下食物中每100g含嘌呤最高的食物是()。
A. 牛肉 B. 猪肉 C. 牛奶 D. 羊肉 E. 鹅肉 [单项选择]肠道杆菌的O抗原存在于下述哪种结构中( )
A. 异染颗粒 B. 荚膜 C. 菌毛 D. 脂多糖 E. 肽聚糖 [单选题]主管人员由低到高的升迁过程,其工作性质也逐渐变得( )
A.具体技术性很强 B.抽象、战略性很强 C.模糊技术性强 D.具体战略性很强 [多选题]《电动汽车充换电设施建设管理》中充换电设施建设项目投资效益分析从(____)等方面分析。
A.管理效益 B.经济效益 C.社会效益 D.企业效益 [单选题]接到驾乘人员递出的现金,迅速点清放置在操作台或抽屉内。单指单张点钞成绩达到#秒/100张点钞券,能够准确识别假钞。
A. 26 B. 28 C. 25 D. 27 [判断题]扩散层的形成,有利于提高奥氏体不锈钢与珠光体耐热钢焊接接头的质量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]电量继电器主要有()、()和()等。
A. 宫腔粘连 B. 子宫腺肌症 C. 多囊卵巢综合征 D. 早孕 E. 子宫内膜异位症 F. 卵巢囊肿 [判断题]一个无偏估计量意味着它非常接近总体的参数。()
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