Most people have experienced the
feeling, after a taxing mental work-out, that they cannot be bothered to make
any more decisions. If they are forced to, they may do so intuitively, rather
than by reasoning. Such apathy is of ten put down to tiredness; but a study
published recently in Psychological Science suggests there may be more to it
than that. Whether reason or intuition is used may depend simply on the
decision-maker’s blood-sugar level—which is, itself, affected by the process of
reasoning. E.J. Masicampo and Roy Baumeister of Florida State University discovered this by doing some experiments on that most popular of laboratory animals, the impoverished undergraduate. They asked 121 psychology students who had volunteered for the experiment to watch a silent video of a woman being interviewed t A. people are not able to make important decisions when hungry. B. decisions made on an empty stomach may be unreasonable. C. people are less intelligent when they are hungry. D. people are more intelligent when they are hungry. [多选题]空想社会主义不是一个科学的思想体系,是因为( )
A.它只是对资本主义罪恶进行了天才的诅咒 B.它没有揭示出资本主义必然灭亡的经济原因 C.它没有找到建设新社会所依靠的阶级力量 D.它没有找到通往理想社会的现实道路 [单项选择]一元线性回归模型的形式为()。
A. y=a+bx+e B. y=a+x+e C. y=ax+b+e D. y=a+bx [单项选择]建筑塑料的优点是( )。
A. 耐化学腐蚀性优良 B. 刚度好 C. 不易老化 D. 不易燃烧 [单选题]管理中居于主导地位的是( )。
A. 计划 B. 组织 C. 人员配备 D. 领导 [判断题]大火封门无路可逃时,可用浸湿的被褥、衣物等 堵塞门缝,向门上泼水降温,以延缓火势蔓延速度, 呼救待援。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]在线路允许速度υmax≤80km/h正线上,轨道动态几何不平顺容许偏差管理值中,三角坑(基长3m)Ⅳ级(限速45km/h)标准为()mm。
[单项选择]拓业公司2008年来源于境内的全部应税所得为100万,来源于境外甲国分公司生产经营所得(扣除境外已缴所得税)20万元,在中国已缴所得税5万元。假设该公司适用33%的所得税率,且不用弥补以前年度亏损,则该公司2008年应纳企业所得税为( )。
A. 36.25万元 B. 33万元 C. 28万元 D. 34.6万元 [单项选择]症见突然昏倒,不省人事,喉中有痰声,呼吸气粗者证属().
A. 食厥 B. 血厥 C. 气厥 D. 痰厥 E. 暑厥 [单选题]可以说网络图是由“活动”( )组成的。
A.事项 B.路线 C.平均周库存转 D.费用 [单选题]腹板补强板(平形、角形)高度须大于腹板高度的50%,且须盖过腹板上的裂纹或腐蚀边缘( )mm以上。
A.30 B.40 C.50 D.60 [单项选择]What information does the help reference command provide?()
A. A brief description of commands and their default values B. The serial number and version number of the device used to open a support case with JTAC C. A list of all the active hardware alarms on the device D. A display of the current configuration while in operational mode 我来回答: 提交