It was about 2 p.m. on Mar. 9 when
three Nucor Corp. electricians got the call from their colleagues at the Hickman
(Ark.) plant. It was bad news: Hickman’s electrical grid had failed. For a
minimill steelmaker like Nucor, which melts scrap steel from autos, dishwashers,
mobile homes, and the like in an electric arc furnace to make new steel, there’s
little that could be worse. The trio immediately dropped what they were doing
and headed out to the plant. No supervisor had asked them to make the trip, and no one had to. They went on their own. There wasn’t any direct financial incentive for them to blow their weekends, no extra money in their next paycheck, but for the company their, contribution was huge. What’s most amazing about this story is that at Nucor it’s not considered particularly remarkable. "It could have easil A. How to Run a Upstart in Steel Industry. B. From A Upstart to A Integrated Steel. C. The Story of A Steel Giant. D. Corporate Culture behind Nucor success. [单选题]双线车站()道岔定位,为各该正线开通的位置
A.正线 B.正线进站 C.正线上其他 D.交分 [判断题]传统意义的剩余电流保护是用于保护人身安全的,定值一般在300m对
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下交易有联动交易的有:()
A. 7005柜员间现金调拨 B. 7003现金解缴 [单选题]CPⅠ主要为( )提供控制基准。
A.勘察、施工和运营维护 B.勘测施工 C.运营维护 D.轨道铺设 [判断题]工程量清单中的工程量发生变动,就会直接影响到合同条件的效力。 ( )
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