表6-3 设备窝工费用表 | |||
项 目 | 机械台班单价(元/台班) | 时 间(d) | 金额(元) |
9m3空压机 | 310 | 12 |
A.施工机械安拆费 B.检验试验费 C.养老保险费 D.津贴补贴 [填空题]The study of philosophies should make our own ideas flexible. We are all of us apt to make certain general ideas for granted, and call them common sense. We should learn that other people have held quite different ideas, but that our own have started as very original guesses of philosophers.
A scientist is apt to think that all the problems of philosophy will ultimately be solved by science. I think this is true for a great many of the questions in which philosophers still argue. For example, Plato thought that when we saw something, one ray of light came to it from the sun, and the other from our eyes and that seeing was something like feeling with a stick. We now know that the light comes from the sun,and is reflected into our eyes. We don’t know in much detail how the changes in our eyes give to sensation. But there is every, reason to think that as we learn more about the physiology of the brain,we shall do so, and that the great philosophical problems about knowledge are g [单选题] 对某应收账款账户进行函证,肯定式询证函多次发出后均未收到回复时,审计人员应该:
A.审查相关合同、订单、销货发票等文件 B.认定该账户对应的客户不存在 C.放弃对该账户余额的审查 D.认定该账户余额全额为坏账 [判断题]机械制图中,机件向基本投影面投影所得的视图称为 主视图。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]公安机关对于被人民检察院退回补充侦查的案件,应当在()个月内补充侦查完毕。
A.A0.5 B.B1 C.C2 D.D3 [单项选择]常见的细胞外钾转移至细胞内的情况()
A. 大量使用高渗盐水 B. 周期性瘫痪间歇期 C. 呼吸性酸中毒时 D. 代谢性酸中毒恢复期 E. 尿酮体阳性 [单项选择]One of the messages the man got was from _______.
A. his mother B. his father C. his friends D. his boss [单项选择]情志抑郁与下列哪项因素有关、
A. 心神不定 B. 肝血亏虚 C. 肺气不足 D. 肝失疏泄 E. 肝升太过 [单选题]男同志的头发长度应前发不覆额、侧发不掩耳、后发( )。
A.不过肩 B.不过领 C.不超过发际 D.梳辫子 [单选题](36269)新建时速300~350km客运专线,两涵之间以及桥台尾与涵之间的净距离不宜小于( )。
A.20m B.30m C.40m D.50m [单项选择]理财规划师下列做法中哪项是不符合职业纪律规范的?()
A. 理财规划师拒绝为客户设计违法的理财方案 B. 客户的理财需求违反法律的规定,理财规划师拒绝了客户的委托 C. 客户的理财目标违反法律的规定,理财规划师拒绝了客户的委托 D. 理财规划师在办理业务的过程中发现客户所委托的事项违法,虽向客户做出说明,但继续办理委托事务 我来回答: 提交