On April 20, 2000, in Accra, Ghana, the leaders of six West African countries declared their intention to proceed to monetary union among the non-CFA franc countries of the region by January 2003, as first step toward a wider monetary union including all the ECOWAS countries in 2004. The six countries (21) themselves to reducing central bank financing of budget deficits (22) 10 percent of the previous years government (23) ; reducing budget deficits to 4 percent of the second phase by 2003; creating a Convergence Council to help (24) macroeconomic policies; and (25) up a common central bank. Their declaration (26) that, "Member States (27) the need (28) strong political commitment and (29) to (30) all such national policies (31) would facilitate the regional monetary integration process."
The goal of a monetary union in ECOWAS has long been an objective of the organ
A. which
B. that
C. as
D. what
Of the many things a CTO(Chief Technology
Officer)must do to be successful,the one that can never be neglected is
simple:maintaining focus on helping your company produce revenue and profits.On
a purely superficial level,this sounds like the job of the CEO or vice president
of sales,but successful CTOs know that being closely involved in the revenue
game is the key ingredient to the growth of your company and your career.
For some technology staff aspiring to the CTO position,there is a sense that getting too close to the money sullies the purity of the greater technology mission Of building elegant products and systems.This may be true in an academic environment,but in the co A. is like a CEO or vice president of sales. B. can convert technology into the good of the business. C. real izes that he or she should take part in the developing of new products and services D. should keep in close contact with existing and potential customers. [多选题]集抄电表投运功能中与采集相关的字段是()
A.表地址 B.电表波特率 C.电表规约类型 D.电能表资产编号 [单选题] 第889题配电设备的巡视应与配电线路的巡视同期进行,正常巡视周期为市区一般( )进行一次,郊区及农村( )至少一
次。 A.每半月;每月 B.每月;每月 C.每月;每季 第 291 页 D.每季;每年 [单项选择]罐区导入过程中启用标识如何处理()。
A. 按导入模版中的启用标识进行处理 B. 根据上级MES车间的启用标示确定 C. 根据所包括的罐数据的启用标示确定 [多项选择]对于盘亏和损失的存货,如果是由于计量的误差或定额内的闩然损耗,经批准后可记入( )账户。
A. “管理费用” B. “销售费用” C. “其他业务支出” D. “营业外支出” [单选题]生产经营单位接收中等职业学校、高等学校学生实习的,应当对实习学生进行相应的(),提供必要的劳动防护用品。
A.安全技术培训 B.安全生产教育和培训 [单选题]管片拼装机遥控器在拼装模式时,如何正常停止油缸伸缩( )?
A. 拨动油缸伸出/缩回开关到中位 B. 点按拼装遥控器推进油缸停止按钮 C. 按下拼装机急停按钮 D. 以上都不对 [多选题]对确实无法穿透的( ),应全部视为一个匿名客户,将投资余额合计视为对匿名客户的风险暴露,且原则上不得超过机构一级资本净额的15%。
A.非保本理财产品 B.集合信托产品 C.公募证券投资基金 D.委外的特定目的载体投资 [判断题]仓储成本随存货水平变动而变动。
[单选题]对城乡“低保户”和农村“五保户”家庭每户每月设置() 千瓦时的免费用电基数。(出处:《2012年阶梯电价推广实施政策》)
A.30 B.10 C.20 D.50 [多选题]动火工作间断时间超过30min,继续动火前()、()应重新确认安全条件。
A.动火执行人 B.动火工作监护人 C.动火许可人 D.动火负责人 [单项选择]指针p1和p2分别指向两个无头结点的非空单循环链表中的尾结点,要将两个链表链接成一个新的单循环链表,应执行的操作为( )
A. p1->next=p2->next;p2->next=p1->next; B. p2->next=p1->next;p1->next=p2->next; C. p=p2->next; p1->next=p;p2->next=p1->next; D. p=p1->next; p1->next= p2->next;p2->next=p; [单选题]CRH380B型动车组( )采用的是自动式空气制动。
A.辅助制动 B.停放制动 C.紧急制动 D.备用制动 [单选题]‐年版港币的开窗安全线位于票面的哪个位置?( )
A.正面左侧 B.正面右侧 C.背面左侧 D.背面右侧 [单选题]供应链管理简称为( )