When a member of an ethnic minority
group acquires the behavior patterns, lifestyles, values, and language of the
mainstream culture we say that he or she has become culturally assimilated.
Since the dominant group controls most of the social, economic, and political
institutions in a society, members of ethnic minority groups must acquire its
cultural traits to move up the social and economic ladder. When studying this
concept, it is important to learn that although non-White ethnic minorities may
become totally assimilated culturally, they will still be victims of
discrimination and racism because of their different physical
characteristics. A widespread myth is that Mexican Americans and Afro-Americans experience discrimination because they often have meager educations and live in ghettos. Even though it is true that man A. occupational failure B. physical abuse C. imprisonment D. genocide [判断题]电子客票发生网络、设备、软件故障时,列车通过站车无线交互终端或手持移动验票终端查验车票并进行补检操作,将未查询到购票信息的旅客另行补票处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]进入( )封闭空间时,必须佩戴使用空[氧]气呼吸器或移动供气源,严禁使用过滤式防护装具。
A.高温 B.浓烟 C.有毒 D.缺氧区域 [多项选择]班级组织机构微观建制的形式有()。
A. 委员会制 B. 直线式 C. 参谋制 D. 职能式 E. 直线职能式 [单项选择]铸造铁碳合金是以含碳量()为界,分为铸铁和铸钢。
A. 0.210% B. 0.77% C. 2.11% D. 4.3% [简答题]简述食品中的极端微生物。
A.A、业务额度有效期到期后,自动失效 B.B、借款人提前归还贷款后,申请不再使用业务额度的,经办客户经理填制金华银行"小微通"循环贷业务额度失效申请审批表,经有权人同意后,在信贷管理系统进行业务额度直接失效操作,审批表作为贷款档案保管。 C.C、普惠型小微企业转为授信企业以后,借款人不能再提取尚未使用额度,原有贷款到期归还后额度自动失效。 D.D、业务额度生效之日起12个月内,借款人未提取任何款项的,循环额度自动取消。 [判断题]线路作业应在良好的天气下进行,遇有恶劣气象条件时,应停止工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]OSPF管理距离(AD)的有效值的范围是( )。
[单选题]储压式空气呼吸器,它至少能维持供气__( )_。
A.30分钟 B.45分钟 C.60分钟 [简答题]10.6. 灭火救援现场迷失方向时应采取哪些措施?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]发生事故的单位应当依照本规定的事故等级标准,按照时限和要求上报事故情况,一般事故、较大事故,应当在12小时内报至消防救援局。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]与血浆白蛋白结合的胆红素为()
A.结合胆红素 B.未结合胆红素 C. 间接胆红素 D.胆素原 E.胆素 [单项选择]Just a few years ago, a graduate from Brown University medical school had just an inkling about how to care for the elderly. Now, Brown and other U. S. medical schools are plugging geriatric (老年) courses into their curricula.
The U.S. Census Bureau projects the number of elderly Americans will nearly double to 71 million by 2030. The first members of the Baby Boomer generation, so named for the explosion in births in the years after World War Two, turn 65 in three years. In addition, people are living longer than ever. "The first ripples of the silver tsunami are lapping at the shores of our country, but there is not a coordinated or strategic response taking place in America," said Richard Besdine, who is direetor of the geriatrics division at Brown University medical school in Providence. Geriatries has never been a field of choice for young doctors. Elderly care doctors are paid less than most other physicians and surgeons and the aged can be hard to treat. The A. temporary B. universal C. unavoidable D. controllable [单选题]石门工作面选用抽放钻孔作为防突措施时,其钻孔必须布置到石门周界外的( )煤层内;
A.2~5m B.3~5m C.1~3m D.2~3m [单项选择]远期年客货运量()铁路为Ⅲ级铁路。
A. ≥20Mt B. ≥10Mt且<20Mt C. <10Mt D. <5Mt [判断题]自耦变压器可以跟普通变压器一样,用作安全变压器。
[单选题]抢救昏迷失去知觉的伤员需注意什么?( )
A.马上实施心肺复苏; B.使劲掐伤员的人中; C.连续拍打伤员面部; D.抢救前先检查呼吸。 [单选题] 下列那类( )人员不享受优先接收政策
A.大专以上毕业生 B.解放军退役士兵 C.政府专职队员 D. 厨师 [判断题]胎儿的营养主要通过胎盘从母体取得营养物质。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]业务报装可实行容缺受理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]事业单位在财产清查中发现事业用材料盘亏,其中属于正常损耗的应( )。
A. 计入当期经营支出 B. 计入当期事业支出 C. 直接抵减一般基金 D. 冲减事业用材料盘盈价值 [单选题]钢轨铝热焊缝中存在的主要缺陷是( )。
A.光斑、过烧和未焊透 B.夹砂、气孔、缩孔、疏松、未焊透和裂纹 C.灰斑、烧伤和裂纹 D.灰斑、过烧、和裂纹 [单项选择]HT200表示是一种()。
A. 黄铜 B. 合金钢 C. 灰铸铁 D. 化合物 我来回答: 提交