People are moving to cities in droves.
In 1950, two-thirds of the world’s population lived in the countryside. New York
was then the only settlement with more than 10 million people. Today there are
20 such megacities, and more are on their way. Most of these megacities are in developing countries that are struggling to cope with both the speed and the scale of human migration. Estimates of the future spread of urbanization are based on the observation that in Europe, and in North and South America, the urban share of the total population has stabilized at 75%-85%. If the rest of the world follows this path it is expected that in the next decade an extra 100 million people will join the cities of Africa, and 340 million the cities of Asia: the equivalent of a new Bangkok every two months. By 2030 nearly A. are unsure of their residency. B. dislike urbanization. C. are used to the president environment. D. are homogeneous and anonymous. [多选题]车道系统对ETC车辆通行( )、( )、( ),( )并提示车辆转人工处理,收费员按照 CPC 卡发放流程处理。( )
A.有效性不通过 B.储值卡余额为 0 元 C.ETC 入口信息写入失败车辆 D.车道进行拦截 E.车型不符车辆 [单项选择]There were many people present and he appeared only for a few seconds, so I only caught a ()of him.
A. glance B. glimpse C. look D. sight [单选题]无缝线路钢轨()与钢轨长度.截面面积无关。
A.温度应力 B.温度力 C.道床阻力 D.扣件阻力 [单选题]我国的全民国防教育日是( )。
A. 9月18日 B. 10月15日 C. 每年9月的第三个星期六 D. 每年10月的第三个星期六 [多选题]《东京公约》关于被移交人的规定,以下说法正确的是()。
A.降落地缔约国在接受移交后,被移交人意欲继续其旅行时,只 能送返航空器登记国 B.航空器降落国法律为了刑事追诉或引渡可将被移交人留在境内 C.降落地缔约国在接受移交后,需要对其安全进行保护 D.降落地缔约国在接受移交后,对其进行安全保护应不低于其本 国国民待遇 [填空题]IEEE 802.11标准定义了 【6】 技术。
[单选题] 电流互感器过载运行时,其铁芯中的损耗( )。
A. 无变化 B. 减小 C. 有变化 D. 增大 [单选题]BB03 申请进行穿跨越管道的施工作业应当在开工( )日前书面通知管道企业。
A.七 B.五 C.三 D.十 [单项选择]汉族最重要的节日是()。
A. 端午 B. 清明节 C. 春节 D. 中秋节 [单项选择]
女,34岁,下牙3至3拥挤,前牙深覆牙合。深覆盖,左上1唇向移位 若此患者,左上1正中牙合时无早接触,前伸牙合时有早接触,应调磨()A. 上前牙的舌侧边缘嵴 B. 下前牙切缘的颊侧面 C. 下前牙切缘 D. 上前牙切缘 E. 上前牙的舌面与下前牙切缘的颊侧面 [判断题]依据《工作票实施规范(发电、变电部分)》(Q/CSG 1205005—2016)5.3.13规定:厂站第一种工作票中工作地点保留的带电部位栏应填写工作地点相邻的带电母线、导线、隔离开关及其它设备的具体部位;其中,隔离开关填写电压等级和调度编号,母线、导线及其他设备填写电压等级和设备名称。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]根据《20千伏及以下变电所设计规范》规定,采用并联电力电容器装置作为无功补偿装置时,宜就地平衡补偿,并应符合哪些规定?
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