Have you ever wondered what the sky
really is Long ago many thought it circled the earth, carrying the sun, moon,
planets, and stars with it. Since then scientists have found that it is really
just space. In this space the earth, moon, planets, sun, and other stars are
traveling. At times the sky changes its color. When the sun rises or sets, red, orange, yellow, or pink colors are seen. During a clear day the sky is very blue, and on a rainy day it is gray. At night it seems almost black except for the light from the moon and stars. People of old times thought the stars made pictures in the night sky. They saw bears, lions, and many other things. Sailors at sea and shepherds in fields with their sheep knew these. They need only to look. They can go out and view the night sky. No one knows how many stars are there in the sky. The A. some stars that look like certain things B. clouds in a rainy day C. stones hanging in space D. shadows of the heavenly bodies [单项选择]对于单位工程施工进度计划,监理工程师( )。
A. 只负责审核而不需要编制 B. 负责编制和审核 C. 负责编制施工总进度计划 D. 按年编制工程综合计划 [单选题]从根本上讲,一部优秀的电视剧是因为故事、人物与情境让观众在大呼过瘾的同时有所________,才能聚拢起超高人气甚至________为社会文化现象,而并非单纯地依赖演员颜值的比拼。
A.感悟 发酵 B.体会 演变 C.感动 延伸 D.发现 扩展 [填空题]121 搭建广场舞台结构框架经常采用【 】。
A.定期做妇科检查 B.至少避孕1年 C.定期做hCG定量测定 D.定期做阴道细胞学检查 E.定期做胸部X线摄片 [判断题]司机和乘客之间紧急对讲采取半双工工作方式。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]若被告保险人未履行危险增加的通知义务,保险人对因危险程度增加而导致的保单标的的损失()。
A. 仍然要承担赔偿责任 B. 可以不承担赔偿责任 C. 应当承担双倍赔偿责任 D. 应当承担多倍赔偿责任 [单选题]男性,57岁,油漆工,间歇性无痛性肉眼全程血尿 1 个月,伴尿频,尿中大量不规则血块,尿三杯试验均血尿 。膀胱镜检查见膀胱左侧壁有 1cm×lcm×lcm 大小肿块,浅红色,有蒂较长,病理检查为移行细胞癌,分化良好。肿瘤的临床分期及分级为
A. T
A.~T1Ⅰ级 B.T2~T3Ⅱ级 C.T3~T4Ⅲ级 D.T2~T3Ⅲ级 E.T4Ⅲ级 [判断题]河南大学光伏技术重点实验室为国家重点实验室
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]慢性肾炎的临床表现是()
A. 病情迁延,渐进性发展为慢性肾衰竭 B. 有自愈倾向 C. 起病缓慢、隐袭 D. 蛋白尿、血尿、高血压、水肿 E. 可有不同程度肾功能减退 [单项选择]()说:“以其不争,故天下莫能与之争,此乃效法水德也。水几于道;道无所不在,水无所不利,避高趋下,未尝有所逆,善处地也;空处湛静,深不可测。善为渊也;损而不竭,施不求报,善为仁也……”。
A. 老子 B. 墨子 C. 孟子 D. 庄子 [判断题]无瓦斯涌出的掘进工作面,可以采用压缩空气通风。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交