Questions 24—26 are based on a report about a book, "Paris: Capital of the World." You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 24—26. |
Chemistry did not emerge as a science
until after the scientific revolution in the seventeenth century and then only
rather slowly and laboriously. But chemical knowledge is as old as history,
being almost entirely concerned with the practical arts of living. Cooking is
essentially a chemical process; so is the melting of metals and the
administration of drugs and potions. This basic chemical knowledge, which was
applied in most cases as a rule of thumb, was nevertheless dependent on previous
experiment. It also served to stimulate a fundamental curiosity about the
processes themselves. New information was always be A. Philosophers devised theories about chemical properties. B. A special symbolic language was developed. C. Experience led workers to revise their techniques. D. Experts shared their discoveries with the public. [单选题]排洪涵洞的最小孔径不应小于1.25m,且全长不应大于( )。
A.15m B.20m C.25m D.30m [多项选择]下列经济指标属于滞后性指标的有()。
A. 库存量 B. 银行未收回贷款规模 C. 主要生产资料价格 D. GDP [单项选择]带下病的主要发病机制是
A. 外感湿邪,损及任、带,约固无力 B. 肾气不足,封藏失职,阴液滑脱而下 C. 湿邪影响任、带,任脉不固,带脉失约 D. 脾虚生湿,流注下焦,伤及任、带 E. 肝经湿热,流注下焦,伤及任、带 [单项选择]男性,41岁。查体胸骨右缘第2肋间触及收缩期震颤。该患者的诊断是()
A. 室间隔缺损 B. 肺动脉瓣狭窄 C. 二尖瓣关闭不全 D. 二尖瓣狭窄 E. 主动脉瓣狭窄 [判断题]在洪水急流中,营救被困人员或紧急转移遇险群众,可使用橡皮艇和冲锋舟。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据火灾烟流最高温度和燃烧生成物变化的特点,矿井火灾过程可分为 ( )三个阶段。
A.火灾发展阶段 B.火灾稳定阶段 C.火灾孕育阶段 D.火灾衰减阶段 [判断题]挂登高板时,应钩口向外并且向上。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对人体有生理意义的单糖主要有:葡萄糖、果糖和()。
A.乳糖 B.蔗糖 C.半乳糖 D.糖原 [判断题]直线杆卡盘应横线路方向,左、 右侧交替埋设,承力杆卡盘埋设在承力侧。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]预告信号装置分为?( )。
A.三种都不对 B.延时和瞬时 C.延时预告 D.瞬时预告 [简答题]化学固沙材料的选择标准
[单选题]依照规定应当参加工伤保险而未参加工伤保险的用人单位职工发生工伤的。由( )按规定支付费用。
A. 用人单位 B. 职工本人 C. 上级部门 D. 国家 我来回答: 提交