Sociology is a social science that studies (1) societies, their interactions, and the processes that (2) and change them. It does this by (3) the dynamics of constituent parts of societies (4) as institutions, communities, populations, and gender, racial, (5) age groups. Sociology also studies social status (6) stratification, social movements, and social change, as (7) as societal disorder in the form of (8) , deviance, and revolution. Social life overwhelmingly regulates (9) behaviour of humans, largely because humans lack (10) instincts that guide most animal behaviour. Humans (11) depend on social institutions and organizations to (12) their decisions and actions. Given the important (13) organizations play in influencing human action, it (14) sociology’s task to discover how organizations affect [单选题]CENTUMCS3000系统中,用于连接各HIS、ENG及上位机的是( )。
A.Vnet网 B.ESB总线 C.以太网 [单选题]旅客列车自动制动机主管压力各线均为( )。
A.400KPa B.500KPa C.600KPa D.650KPa [简答题]简述插花的色彩配置中应注意四个的问题。
[多选题]下述对机场灯光的使用方法正确的是 ( )( )
A.昼间,机场水平能见度 小于2km时,要开灯 B.航空器起飞后15分钟关闭灯光 C.灯光只在夜间使用,昼间不使用 [判断题]在我国某大学任教的日本人山本因病死亡,其善后工作全部由公安机关负责。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]心肺复苏术中的ABCD中的A包括
A. 意识状态的判断 B. 呼救 C. 复苏体位 D. 畅通气道 E. 判断呼吸 [多项选择]下列关于线性回归分析的基本假设表述正确的是
A. 线性关系假设是指X与Y在样本上具有线性关系 B. 正态性假设是指回归分析中Y服从正态分布 C. 独立性假设可以指误差项独立 D. 误差等分散性假设要求特定X水平的误差具有等分散性 [单选题]不洁性行为最主要的危害是
A. 导致婚姻关系紧张 B. 严重影响子女身心健康 C. 性传播疾病 D. 道德危机 E. 社会不安定 [判断题] 车站值班员已通知引导员引导接车后,需变更接车进路时,应首先通知引导人员。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
{{B}}TEXT A{{/B}} In Japan, where career opportunities for women are few, where divorce can mean a life of hardship, and where most female names are still formed using a word for child, a woman’s independence has always come at a steep price. Notions of women’s liberation have never taken root among Japanese women. But with scant open conflict, the push for separate burials is quietly becoming one of the country’s fastest growing social trends. In a recent survey by the TBS television network, 20 percent of the women who responded said they hoped to be buried separately from their husbands. The funerary revolt comes as women here annoy at Japan’s slow pace in providing greater equality between the sexes. The law, for example, still makes it almost impossible for a woman to use her maiden name after marriage. Divorce rates are low by Western standards, meanwhile, because achieving financial independence, or even obt A. to cause to die B. to arouse the passion of C. to make angry D. to make gloom [判断题]SequenceNumber 用于检测过期和重复的 LSA,是一个 32 位的有符号整数,所以最大的 LSSequenceNumber 是 0xF7FFFFFFE
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述导管相关血流感染预防的管理要求?
[单项选择]下面有关索引的描述正确的是 ______。
A. 建立索引以后,原来的数据库表文件中记录的物理顺序将被改变 B. 索引与数据库表的数据存储在一个文件中 C. 创建索引是创建一个指向数据库表文件记录的指针构成的文件 D. 使用索引并不能加快对表的查询操作 [多选题]公安机关执行设卡检查任务时,应当遵守下列哪些规定。()(1.0分)
A.制定方案,周密部署,方案应当包括任务目标、卡点布局、指挥关系、协作机制和警力、装备、通信、后勤保障措施以及处置突发情况的应对措施等内容 B.设置卡点应当选择视野开阔、便于拦截检查和展开警力的地点,并尽量避开人群、居民稠密区、密林地、易燃易爆和剧毒化学物品仓库等复杂地段和场所 C.检查卡点应当根据任务需要配置警力,每个卡点一般不得少于4人,民警之间应当明确拦截、警戒和盘查等任务分工 D.执行重要设卡堵截任务时,公安机关应当在卡点前方设置阻车路障,并在前方适当距离内设置隐蔽观察哨位,以便提前发现目标,及时通知卡点准备拦截 [单选题]在多轴飞行任务中,触发失控返航时,应如何打断飞控当前任务,取回手动控制权
A. GPS 手动模式切换 B. 云台状态切换 C. 航向锁定切换 我来回答: 提交