People living on parts of the south
coast of England face a serious problem. In 1993, the owners of a large hotel
and of several houses discovered, to their horror, that their gardens had
disappeared overnight. The sea had eaten into the soft limestone cliffs on which
they had been built. While experts were studying the problem, the hotel and
several houses disappeared altogether, sliding down the cliff and into the
sea. Erosion (侵蚀) of the white cliffs along the south coast of England has always been a problem but it has become more serious in recent years. Dozens of homes have had to be abandoned as the sea has crept farther and farther inland. Experts have studied the areas most affected and have drawn up a map for local people, forecasting the year in which their homes will be swal A. lead to its eventual solution B. provide an effective way to slow it down C. help to prevent it from worsening D. warn people whose homes are in danger [单选题] What is the meaning of receipt?
A.收入 B.银行 C.发明 [单选题]《高速铁路无砟轨道线路维修规则》第5.2.1条规定:允许速度250(不含)~300km/h,钢轨肥边用直尺、深度尺测量,大于( )mm时,应及时进行整修。
A.0.5 B.0.8 C.1 D.2 [单选题]交通信号灯红灯亮时,在不妨碍被放行的车辆和行人通行的情况下( )。
A.右转弯的车辆可以通行 B.T形路口的直行车辆可以通行 C.各方行驶的车辆禁止通行 [单选题]公安机关对林某予以治安处罚后,林某和李某之间就李某女儿的医药费.精神损失费
等经济赔偿有争议,则李某可以:(单选) A. 向作出治安处罚的公安机关提出复议 B. 向作出治安处罚的上级公安机关提出复议 C. 向人民法院提起民事诉讼 D. 向人民法院提起行政诉讼 [多选题] 批准无作业资质人员请点作业,可能会导致( )等情况发生
A..人员触电 B..跌落 C..作业质量低 D..设备损坏 [填空题]在线路中心线距站台边缘为1750 mm的正线、到发线办理动车组列车通过时,在环境风速不大于15m/s情况下,速度不得超过80km/h;当环境风速超过15m/s时,动车组运行速度不得超过______km/h,并注意运行。
[多选题]电炉炉前返回的铁合金应( )处理。
A.退回生产厂家 B.按原批号归堆存放 C.不得混放 D.立即烘烤 [单项选择]可能是预防接种伤寒的是()
A. "O"不高"H"高 B. "O"、"H"都升高 C. "O"高"H"不高 D. "O"、"H"都不高 E. 以上都不对 [单项选择]在影响行政组织成员人格心态的诸因素中,最直接,最经常的是( )
A. 外在社会环境 B. 内部人际关系 C. 成员在组织中的地位 D. 群团中的年龄结构 [简答题]融资者进行融资方式选择时应注意哪些影响因素?
[多选题]使用倒落式抱杆立、撤杆时,( )、尾绳应在一条直线上。
A.主牵引绳 B.机动绞磨 C.杆塔中心 D.抱杆顶 [多选题]根据供电对象,线路可以分为( )。
A.架空线路 B.电缆线路 C.公用线路 D.专用线路 [判断题]绝缘遮蔽用具可起到主绝缘保护的作用,作业人员不可以碰触绝缘遮蔽用具。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]井下作业场所的粉尘浓度,每月至少测定()次。
A.3 B.2 C.1 [多选题]电脑钥匙已经提示操作正确,仍不能打开编码锁,可能的原因有(____)。
A.电池电压不足 B.电脑钥匙内部开锁机构失灵 C.锁内部机构卡涩 D.机械锁损坏 [单选题] 作业人员对本规程应( )考试一次。因故间断电气工作连续三个月及以上者,应重新学习本规程,并经考试合格后,方可恢复工作。 (1.0分)
A. 每月 B. 每半年 C. 每年 D. 每两年 我来回答: 提交