Once a man had a dream, he dreamed of a land of peace and harmony. He dreamed of a place where people were not judged by their skin color. He dreamed of a country where children of different races could play together. He dreamed of a nation where all people were equal. Some people didn’t like his dream. They said it would never happen. Some people applauded his dream. They wanted to make it happen. This noble vision has come true for some. For others, it’s still just a fantasy.
In 1963, this man, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. , expressed his vision in the famous speech, "I Have a Dream." But the dream -- rooted in the American Dream -- wasn’t really new. From the beginning, this nation of immigrants welcomed people desiring freedom and a new start. How ever, the coming together of different races and ethnic groups created some tensions. The early Americans ( except for the native "Indians" ) were almost all white Europeans. As more immig
A. was an Indian
B. hated black people
C. had an American dream
D. believed in "all men are created equal"
Language learning begins with
listening. Individual children vary greatly in the amount of listening they do
before they start speaking, and late starters are often long listeners. Most
children will "obey" spoken instructions some time before they Can speak, though
the word "obey" is hardly accurate as a description of the eager and delighted
cooperation usually shown by the child. Before they can speak, many children
will also ask questions by gestures and by making questioning noises. Any attempt to trace the development from the noises babies make to their first spoken words leads to considerable difficulties. It is agreed that they enjoy making noises, and that during the first few months one or two noises sort themselves out as particularly indicative of delight, distress, sociability, and so on. But since these cannot be A. parents can never hope to teach their children new sounds B. children no longer imitate people after they being to speak C. even after they have learnt to speak children still enjoy imitating D. children who are good at imitating learn new words more quickly [简答题]It’s common sense that ____________________.(商务信函应以正式文体书写而不是以么人风格书写).
[单项选择]下列皮试液1ml内含药物剂量错误的是( )。
A. 青霉素500U B. 链霉素250U C. 破伤风150U D. 细胞色素C0.75mg E. 普鲁卡因2.5mg [判断题]线路轨距超限或变化率不符合要求,以及拨道后有个别碎弯,应进行改道作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]雨淋系统由( )等组成
A.雨淋报警阀 B.开式洒水喷头 C.闭式喷头 D.火灾报警装置或传动管 E.管道、供水设施 [单选题]靠近架空电线搭拆脚手架时,应严格安照供电部门的规定留出安全距离,照明线( )以上。
A.1m B.2m C.3m D.4m [单项选择]火灾危险性属于甲、乙、丙类的液体,液化石油气,可燃气体,毒性气体和液体以及腐蚀性介质管道,不应共沟敷设,并严禁与( )共沟敷设;
A. 消防水管 B. 电讯管道 C. 自来水管道 D. 电力管道 [多选题]蓄电池更换( )。
A.打开蓄电池箱门,断开蓄电池1外挂熔断器箱内带熔断器的闸刀开关。拆卸蓄电池组与箱体止档的螺钉。 B.拖出电池斗。拆卸蓄电池组间的联线。将蓄电池单元从电池斗内取出。 C.更换蓄电池单体。连接蓄电池组间的联线,用外表绝缘的活动扳手把极柱螺母拧紧。 D.将电池斗推入箱内。连接蓄电池组对外的接线。关蓄电池箱门并上锁。 [不定项选择题]检测尿中尿胆原的试验是
A.Benedic试验 B.Rothera试验 C.Ehrlich试验 D.Harrison试验 E.SSA [判断题]安全工器具经试验合格后,应在醒目的部位粘贴合格证。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]肠梗阻诊断依据是什么?
A.作废时各联需保持一致 B.作废后各联保持完整 C.散落的需粘贴和订在一起,不得撕毁或放置其他地方 D.作废后助理值班员自行处理 [单选题]心血管疾病的患者膳食预防原则不包括( )
A.低盐、高维生素、高热量 B.限制热量、控制体重、增加多不饱和脂肪酸的摄入 C.保证维生素C和维生素E的供给 D.增加豆类蛋白质、控制胆固醇摄入、每天给足够的纤维和果胶 E.限制食盐摄入,最好每天低于6g [单选题]钢筋混凝土、预应力混凝土拱、桁架桥最大允许挠度值为(___)。
A.A.1/600L B.B.1/300L C.C.1/800L D.D.1/1000L [单项选择]The word "unwieldy" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.
A. difficult to collect B. difficult to tackle C. incomprehensive D. uncontrollable [单项选择]女性,55岁。3个月来腹胀,食欲缺乏,低热。查体:腹饱满,移动浊音(+),抗结核治疗2周不见好转。为进一步明确诊断,应做哪项检查()
A. 腹水常规 B. 血沉 C. 腹腔镜+活检 D. 全胃肠钡透 E. 剖腹探查 [单项选择]下列各项,不出现胸壁压痛的是()
A. 肋间神经炎 B. 肋骨骨折 C. 肋软骨炎 D. 胸壁带状疱疹 E. 胸膜炎 [单选题] 003226(单选题).下列属于点火系统高压电路的部件是()
A.配电器 B.断电器 C.附加电阻 D.蓄电池 [单选题]发电机加励磁必须在转速达( )时方可进行。
A.1500rpm B.2000rpm C.2500rpm D.3000rpm [单选题](单选题).分布式动力电池管理系统中,电池信息采集器由( )供电。
A.动力电池 B.电池管理控制器 C.车身电器控制器 D.DC-DC [判断题](914898)( )在企业内部竞争非常激烈的情况下,同事之间很难做到真诚相待、友爱亲善。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]11. 关于签订借款合同, 下列说法正确的是( )。
A.借款人和保证人应现场签章、 签字 B.借款人和保证人可不现场签章、 签字 C.借款人需现场签章、 签字, 保证人可不现场签章、 签字 D.保证人需现场签章、 签字, 借款人可不现场签章、 签字 [单选题]发扬创新精神,解决 问题。
A.不会干 B.不想干 C.不敢干 [名词解释]晶面条纹
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