About 40 percent of Americans think of themselves as shy, while only 20 percent say they have never suffered from shyness at some point in their lives. Shyness occurs when a person’s apprehensions are so great that they (1) his making an expected or desired social response. (2) of shyness can be as minor as (3) to make eye contact when speaking to someone, (4) as major as avoiding conversations whenever possible.
"Shy people tend to be too (5) with themselves, "said Jonathan Cheek, a psychologist, who is one of those at the forefront of current research on the topic." (6) , for a smooth conversation, you need to pay attention to the other person’s cues (7) he is saying and doing. But the shy person is full of (8) about how he seems to the other person, and so he often (9) cues he should pick up. The result is an awkward lag in the conversation. Shy people need to stop
A. themselves
B. friends
C. strangers
D. others
If there is one thing scientists have
to hear, it is that the game is over. Raised on the belief of an endless voyage
of discovery, they recoil (畏缩) from the suggestion that most of the best things
have already been located. If they have, today’ s scientists can hope to
contribute no more than a few grace notes to the symphony of science. A book to be published in Britain this week, The End of Science, argues persuasively that this is the case. Its author, John Horgan, is a senior writer for Scientific American magazine, who A. most of the best things have already been changed B. most of the best things remain to be changed C. there have never been so many best things waiting to be discovered D. most secrets of the world have already been discovered [填空题]钻铤是用合金钢制成的厚壁无缝钢管,其壁厚一般为钻杆的( )
[多选题]( )720虫卵的粪便检查法有()。
A.直接涂片法 B.间接涂片法 C.漂浮法 D.沉淀法 E.以上都不是 [单项选择]不属于公文登记主要形式的是( )。
A. 汇报式 B. 簿式 C. 卡片式 D. 联单式 [单选题]关于基金销售机构对普通投资者应履行的职责,以下表述错误的是()。
A.细化分类和管理义务,确定其风险承受能力,对其进行细化分类和管理 B.售后特别告知义务,对可能影响投资结果的事宜,在产品销售后予以告知 C.不得主动推介超越风险承受能力或不符合投资目标的产品 D.特别注意义务,包括制定专门的工作程序,告知特别的风险点等等 [单选题]男,50岁,骑跨在树干上,会阴部受伤,伤后排尿困难及尿潴留,会阴部及阴囊部肿胀,瘀斑伴剧痛, 可能性最大的诊断是
A.会阴部软组织损伤; B.尿道球部损伤; C.尿道膜部损伤; D.膀胱破裂; E.骨盆骨折; [单项选择]以下()不属于气体的危险特性。
A. 易燃性和易爆性 B. 窒息性和毒性 C. 麻醉性 D. 腐蚀性 [填空题]电刷装置的作用是使静止的电刷和()保持滑动接触,把电枢绕组与外电路连接起来。
[填空题]在算法的4个特性中,算法必须能在执行有限个步骤之后终止指的是算法的 ______ 特性。
A.处理事故 B.巡视检查 C.电力施工 D.进行电气操作 [多选题]人工呼吸急救的方法有( )。
A.俯卧压背法 B.仰卧牵臂法 C.胸外心脏挤压法 D.口对口(鼻)呼吸法 [单项选择]中气下陷,可引起
A. 咳逆上气 B. 恶心呕吐 C. 头痛、头胀、面红目赤 D. 胃脘痛 E. 脘腹有重坠感 [单项选择]存在或产生职业病危害项目的用人单位,应当及时、如实向所在地安全生产监督管理部门(),接受监督。
A. 申请 B. 备案 C. 申报 [单项选择]《荷花水鸟图》创造出了物我合一、悲凉惨淡的意境,它是清初的______的作品。( )
A. 王希孟 B. 朱耷 C. 郑板桥 D. 齐白石 [单选题] 在人孔盖下面应装有上下用的脚蹬( )或固定的铁梯。
A.间距150~200m B.间距200~250m C.间距250~300m D.间距300~400m [单选题]常温下的液体采样,当液体物料为小瓶装,则应将各瓶摇匀后分别倒出()混合均匀作为代表样品。
A.A、 同一部位,不等量液体 B.B、 不同部位液体 C.C、 不等量液体 D.D、 等量液体 [单项选择]下列选项中不属于工程概况内容范围的是()。
A. 污染物排放总量建议指标 B. 物料与能源消耗定额 C. 工程一般特征简介 D. 项目组成 [多选题]工作票签发人应由熟悉人员技术水平、熟悉( )、熟悉本规程,并具有相关工作经验的生产领导、技术人员或经本单位批准的人员担任,名单应公布。
A.配电网络接线方式 B.工作范围内的设备情况 C.设备情况 D.现场运行规程 我来回答: 提交