The people who lives in the far North
are called Eskimos(爱斯基摩托车人). In the world of ice and snow it is (21)
to grow plants for food. The Eskimos must hunt and fish during the
whole year to (22) themselves and their families with
food. In winter, they hunt the seal(海豹) (23) the polar(极地的) bear. When they hunt the seal, they (24) a hole in the ice and try to (25) the seal when it comes up to breathe. In summer, the Eskimos hunt (26) animals, and they also hunt birds and catch fish. (27) that is useful is saved. The Eskimos use the meat from animals for food. They melt(融化) the fat from their bodies and use the (28) as fuel(燃料). They make tools out of animals bones. The skin and furs of animals are used for making clothing. If A. Something B. Everything C. Anything D. Nothing [单选题]吊弦预制长度应与计算长度“___” ,偏差应不大于±1.5mm
A.略大5mm B.相等 C.略小5mm D.无关系 [判断题]地下管道、地下仓库、隧道均属于地下有限空间。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]依据《省住房和城乡建设厅关于改革和完善房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程招标投标制度的实施意见》(苏建规字(2017)1号文),采用装配式等新型技术建设的房屋建筑属于技术复杂工程。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]因供电企业用电检查,对客户设备的安全负责,供电企业承担因客户设备不安全所引起的用电安全事故责任。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]机床拆卸时首先由电工( )机床上的电器设备和电器元件。
A.拆除 B.连接 D.检测 [填空题]项目成本费用由( )七部分组成。
A.建(构)筑物 B.地下管线 C.机械 D.道路 [单项选择]下面哪一项是帝国主义:()。
A. 现代主义 B. 古典主义 C. 社会主义 D. 垄断资本主义 [单选题]( )以上的公民是成年人,具有完全民事行为能力,可以独立进行民事活动,是完全民事行为能力人。
A.十六周岁 B.二十周岁 C.十八周岁 D.二十二周岁 [单选题](2019年真题)未经批准擅自设立基金管理公司或者未经核准从事公开募集基金管理业务的,由证券监督管理机构()或者责令改正,没收违法所得,并处违法所得1倍以上5倍以下罚款;没有违法所得或者违法所得不足100万元的,并处10万元以上100万元以下罚款。
A.市场禁入 B.予以取缔 C.进行训诫 D.通报批评 [单选题]通信交流供电系统由高压配电所.降压变压器.油机发电机.UPS和低压配电屏成。其中前两种属于供.配电系统设施,后三种属于()设施。
A.A.信号部门 B.B.电力部门 C.C.通信部门 D.D.供电部门 [单项选择]
Most people who travel long distance complain of jet-lag. Jet-lag makes business travelers less productive and more prone (21) making mistakes. It is actually caused by (22) of your "body clock" a small cluster of brain cells that controls the timing of biological (23) . The body clock is designed for a (24) rhythm of daylight and darkness, so that it is thrown out of balance when it (25) daylight and darkness at the "wrong" times in a new time zone. The (26) of jet-lag often persist for days (27) the internal body clock slowly adjusts to the new time zone. [单选题]牡丹花刀是在鱼体两侧斜剞()刀纹,深至椎骨,鱼肉翻开呈花瓣形。
A.一字 B.菱形 C.弧形 D.直线 [判断题]换流阀在测量结束之前,两个启动按钮都是保持在按下的状态,测量结果会显示在显示屏上,如果有一个启动按钮没保持在按下的状态,显示屏上就会有错误的信息。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列有关硝普钠的叙述中,不正确的是
A.口服应用具有持久的降压作用 B.长期或大量应用可致氰化物中毒 C.对小动脉和小静脉均有舒张作用 D.作用机制与其释放N0,使cGMP形成增加有关 我来回答: 提交