A. 1997 B. 1999 C. 2003 D. 2006
[单项选择]国际上第一部重要的航空法是()。 A. 《芝加哥公约》 B. 《国际民用空公约》 C. 《华沙公约》 D. 《海牙议定书》
[判断题]对发出有误的支票影像信息,提出行可以通过影像交换系统向提入行申请止付。 A.正确 B.错误
[判断题] 巡察报告问题底稿作为巡察报告支撑材料,在形成时需列明涉及的领域,必要时可对问题定性。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[多项选择]在环境监控系统中,以下属于开关量的是()。 A. 交流电压、电流 B. 工作状态指示灯、故障灯 C. 温度、湿度 D. 门状态、烟雾、漏水
[单项选择]工程建设的一般程序中以下哪项是施工准备阶段的内容() A. 施工图设计 B. 生产准备 C. 勘察招投标 D. 工程项目报建
[多项选择]喉气囊肿的分型有()。 A. 喉内型 B. 喉外型 C. 声门上型 D. 声门下型 E. 混合型
[填空题]Body language is a personal thing. It says a lot about a person, such as whether he 36 respect for others to whom he is talking, and whether he pays proper 37 to someone else’ s ideas.
Think about your own body language. It is important to pay attention to it. ___38____, when you meet someone, don’t stand too ___39____ . An uncomfortable nearness is very ___40____to the other person, ___41____ keep your physical distance (体距),___42____ he’ ll have to keep backing off from you.___43____ , two feet will do.
Some of the ___44____in which your body will tell the other person you are ___45____carefully are :
Sit attentively(专注地) in your chair.___46____you slump(垂头弯腰地坐) down on your backbone, your ___47____straight out in front of you, your body is saying, "I don’ t care what you’ re ___48____, I’m not interested. "
___49____ the face of the person speaking and do not let your eyes roam(漫游) around. It’ s ___50____to give the person speaking your___51____attention.
Keep your le A. A.reason B. purpose C.situation D.fact
[单选题]所有配电装置的适当地点,均应设有与( )相连的接地端,接地电阻应合格。 A.检修设备 B.接地网 C.带电设备 D.停电设备
[单选题]倒闸操作要求,在操作中应认真执行( )制度(单人操作时也必须高声唱票),宜全过程录音。 A.监护录音 B.监护复查 C. 监护复诵 D.操作录音
[单选题]为确保法兰对接面密封良好,下列关于氟硅橡胶撕裂强度满足要求的是:( ) A.5MPa B.8MPa C.10MPa D.20MPa
[单项选择]启宫丸是治疗哪种不孕的首选方剂:() A. 肝郁不孕 B. 痰湿不孕 C. 肝肾不足不孕 D. 肾虚不孕 E. 以上都不是
[单项选择]模拟移动床工艺中,有关吸附塔中心管描述正确的是()。 A. 中心管是空心管、内部是常压空气 B. 中性管是实心管 C. 中心管是空心管、内部充满物料 D. 中性管是空心管、内部充入的是氮气
[填空题]如果资源分配图中没有 【6】 ,则系统中没有死锁发生。
[单选题]高程测量工作应遵循的原则是() A.必要观测原则
[多选题]胆囊内结⽯超声检查时常⻅的假阳性有 A. ⼗⼆指肠内⽓体回声 B. 多重反射 C. 胆囊内积⽓ D. 胆囊内沉渣 E. 胆囊癌
[单选题]对癫痫小发作疗效最好的药物是( ) A.乙琥胺 B.卡马西平 C.扑米酮 D.丙戊酸钠 E.苯妥英钠
[单选题]曼型柜活塞油沟宽度为()mm,油沟边应设有巡检通道。 A.300mm B.400mm C.500mm
[判断题]行政监督部门处理投诉时,应当坚持公平、公正、高效原则,维持国家利益、社会公共利益和招标投标当事人的合法权益。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择] Until the nineteen sixties, black people in many parts of the United States did not have the same civil rights as white people. Laws in the American South kept the two races separate. These laws forced black people to attend separate schools, live in separate areas of a city and sit in separate areas on a bus.
On December first, nineteen fifty-five, in the southern city of Montgomery, Alabama, a forty-two year old black woman got on a city bus. The law at that time required black people seated in one area of the bus to give up their seats to white people who wanted them. The woman refused to do this and was arrested. This act of peaceful disobedience started protests in Montgomery that led to legal changes in minority rights in the United States. The woman who started it was Rosa Parks. Today, we tell her story.
She was born Rosa Louise McCauley in nineteen-thirteen in Tuskegee, Alabama. She attended local schools until she was eleven years old. Then she was sent to schoo A. Y B. N C. NG
[判断题]OL对P一次性处理的数据量大,OLAP一次性处理的数据量小。 A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]国家安全工作的根本是( )。 A.人民安全 B.政治安全 C.经济安全 D.社会安全
[单选题]柴油发动机个别缸喷油嘴卡死,运行中发动机动力突然下降,司机可暂不作处理,适当( ),运行至前方车站处理。(0.01分) A.加速 B.不变 C.减速 D.静止
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