The creation of a universal language
uniting all mankind is an idea that has interested scholars for several
centuries. It is an exciting idea! Imagine a language which can break down the
barriers that tend to separate the different peoples of the world. The idea has
not been left to gather dust. Various attempts have been made to invent such a
language. The most widely known invented language, Esperanto, has about one
million speakers, but very few speakers use it as their everyday language.
Considering that the world population is already over four billion, this is not
a truly popular universal language. In fact, no invented language has ever been
widely accepted. The suggestion has been made that a true universal language exists already. Margaret Mead, among others, recently proposed that sign A. it is invented B. it is changing C. it has a complex language system D. it can be used naturally [填空题]
I remember one night a few years ago when my daughter was frantic with worry. After my Harvard Extension School classes, I usually arrived at the bus station near my home by 11 p. m., but on that night I was nowhere to be found. My daughter was nervous. It wasn’t safe for a single woman to walk alone on the streets at night, especially one as defenseless as I am: I can slay a mugger with my sharp wit, but I am just too short to do any real physical damage. [多项选择]患儿,3岁,生后5个月见表情呆滞,易激惹,不能抬头,伴有点头弯腰样发作,每日10次左右,2岁开始出现呕吐,喂养困难,现小儿智能明显落后,尿有鼠臭味,尿三氯化铁实验出现绿色,初步诊断苯丙酮尿症一经确诊,应尽早开始饮食控制,下列措施正确的是()
A. 给予低苯丙氨酸饮食 B. 适当控制苯丙氨酸的摄入,持续至成年 C. 添加辅食应以淀粉类、蔬菜和水果等低蛋白质食物为主 D. 原则是既保证生长发育和体能代谢的最低需要又能维持血中苯丙氨酸0.12~0.6mmol/L E. 饮食控制应至少持续到青春期以后 F. 忌用肉,蛋,豆类等高蛋白质食物 [单项选择]“体形环境”建筑设计教学思想是由谁提出的()。
A. 梁思成 B. 黄作燊 C. 柳士英 D. 杨廷宝 [单选题]在制定检验批的抽样方案时,应考虑合理分配生产方风险和使用方风险,对于主控项目两类风险的合理控制范围是( )。
A.α 5%,β 5% B.α 5%,β 10% C.α 5% D.α 1%,β 10% p [简答题]南京大学民俗艺术研究所主任、中国年俗文化研究资深专家陈竟教授在接受媒体采访时激动地表示:“中国现在还不启动春节申遗工程,还要待到何时?”陈竟表示,春节是中国传统节日中最普及、最盛大、最隆重的节日,且中国很多城市和乡村的年俗都不一样,有着各地的特色,如煮腊八粥、扫尘送灶、张贴年画、敬祭祖先等丰富多彩的民俗活动。只有申遗成功才能防止年俗文化的消失。运用文化生活的有关知识,说明“春节”申遗的原因。
[填空题]高铁ZPW-2000A 型无绝缘轨道电路中2300-1载频频率为( )。
A. 由行政复议机关管辖 B. 由人民法院管辖 C. 由先受理的机关管辖,但同时受理的,由公民、法人或者其他组织选择 D. 由行政复议机关和人民法院协商解决 [多项选择]在外围护结构热工缺陷检测时,以下关于红外热像仪的说法正确的是()
A. 设计适用波长范围应为(8.0-14.0)μm B. 传感器温度分辨率不应大于0.08摄氏度 C. 温差检测不确定度不应大于0.5摄氏度 D. 像素不应少于76800点 [判断题]动火作业中使用的机具、气瓶等应合格、完整
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]车站设备房,车站备品库,OCC,区间,变电站[所],属于一级动火范围。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《铁路常旅客服务办法》规定:升级后的相应等级会员资格在评定( )生效,有效期为连续12个月。
A.当日 B.次日 C.一周后 D.10天后 我来回答: 提交