Reforming the Social Security
retirement program is an issue of enormous practical importance. Yet it remains
the missing piece in American policy analysis. At a time when the Congress and
the Administration are considering ways to reform welfare, Medicare, Medicaid,
and the income tax, elected officials are still unwilling to confront the
serious problems of our Social Security system. Eventually, however, its
deteriorating financial condition will force major reforms. Whether those
reforms are good or bad, whether they deal with the basic economic problems of
the system or merely protect the solvency of existing institutional arrangements
will depend in part on whether we, as economists, provide the appropriate
intellectual framework for analyzing reform alternatives. Major policy changes that affect the public at large can o A. America. B. democratic countries. C. a country where and when opinion upholds change. D. all of the above. E. none of the above. [判断题]电动机的选择原则是:在机械特性、起动性能、调速性能等方面,应完全适合生产机械的要求,在结构上应能适应安装和环境条件,同时能最大限度地利用电动机的功率。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]若发生爆破崩人事故时,现场作业人员必须立即停止作业,向调度室、( )汇报,在确保安全的情况下,由现场跟班干部、班组长组织人员将伤员救出,转移至安全地点,根据伤员伤情,及时进行止血、包扎、骨折固定、人工呼吸等应急处理后,紧急送往地面救治。
A.A、值班室 B.B、通风调度 C.C、通风部 D.D、安监部 [单选题]•0123170230
A.25586 B.21104 C. DictBase InsertKVItem Expand E: D.4C57584C E.160124 F.40000 G.120000 [简答题]燥热病邪是在什么样的条件下形成的?其致病特点如何?
[单选题]动土作业前,施工单位应进行施工现场的( ),并逐条落实安全措施。
A.风险 B.健康检查 C.危害辨识 D.隐患排除 [单项选择]______ the bad whether they went to attend the meeting.
A. Though B. Although C. In spite D. Despite [单选题]58.NR下,SPS配置使用如下那种RNTI加扰的PDCCH进行资源调度()
A.A) SPS C-RNTI B.B) CS-RNTI C.C) C.C-RNTI D.D) RA-RANTI [单项选择]对需要采取抽样测试确定评价结论的情况,以下描述错误的是()
A. 如果在抽样范围内未发现违规,该项评价得满分 B. 在抽样范围内,发现两项(含两项)以上违规,该项评价不得分 C. 在抽样范围内,仅发现一项违规的,应扩大一倍抽样,在扩大抽样范围内未发现新的违规的,可得该评价项目分值的满分 D. 在抽样范围内,仅发现一项违规的,应扩大一倍抽样,在扩大抽样范围内又发现新的违规的,该评价项目不得分 我来回答: 提交