[听力原文] 16-20
Television, which made its first serious appearance in 1939, did not become common until the early 1950s. Since then. millions of children have grown up in front of the set, and many people now worry about the effect that TV has on the young, and on society in general. Many ordinary parents wish it had never been invented.
Like almost anything else, television has its good and its bad sides. One should surely thank its inventors for the joy and the interest that they have brought into the lives of the old, the sick. and the lonely --all those who, without it, would have no pleasure and no window in the world.
In truth, television has opened windows in everybody’s life. No newspaper has ever reached so many people and shown so clearly what is happening right now in their own country and everywhere else. TV has transformed information. It not only gives the news instantly, but also shows it in pictures--more powerful than words. It can be
When travelers lack an awareness of
(51) time is regulated in a foreign country, they can expect
to feel somewhat disoriented. Since most people (52) time
for granted, the effects of values, customs, and social etiquette on the use of
time are seldom examined. A culture that values achievement and progress will
discourage people (53) "wasting" time. Highly efficient
business people from these cultures may feel frustrated in a country
(54) work proceeds at a slow pace. In religious
societies, customs specify times of the day, week, or year for prayer and
religious celebrations. If an individual tries to (55) an
appointment during a sacred holiday, he or she could unknowingly offend a [简答题] 夜晚,一辆长途客车正在行驶,旅客大多都睡意朦胧。突然,一名歹徒对着车顶开了一枪,并将枪口对准乘客,声称谁不交出钱和首饰就打死谁。民警孙某见状,暗中掏出手枪,选择有利时机直接将其击伤。孙某的行为是合法的。
[单选题]同一电压等级、同类型、相同安全措施且依次进行的( )上的不停电工作,可使用一张配电第二种工作票。
A.不同配电线路或不同工作地点 B.不同配电线路 C.不同工作地点 D.相邻配电线路 [单项选择]下颌第三磨牙阻生,什么情况下适宜作龈瓣切除术()
A. 水平阻生,冠周炎反复发作 B. 垂直阻生,升支前方有足够空隙,对颌牙位置正常 C. 前倾阻生,前方邻牙远中龋坏 D. 前倾阻生,龈瓣上有咬痕 E. 颊向阻生,对颌牙位置正常 [单选题]在漫长的传统农业社会,人类一直无法摆脱生产的不足和基础物资的匮乏,而且社会总财富相对比较恒定,财富主要依靠有限的自然资源来供给。这就意味着,国际关系更多的是围绕获取有限的自然资源展开的。然而,现代工商业的发展、科学技术的进步使得社会财富总量得到了爆炸式的增长.世界各国越来越认识到,共同建立一个公正合理的世界秩序是实现大家利益的最佳途径。
这段文字意在说明( )。
A.社会总财富的增长主要依赖对自然资源的利用 B.社会财富获取方式的变化对国际关系产生深刻影响 C.国际关系与自然资源之间存在紧密的联系 D.人类正逐渐摆脱自然资源供给的束缚 [单项选择]在“洎周之王,亦有冢卿,格于医通”中,“王”的意义是:
A. 兴旺 B. 成为帝王 C. 成就王业 D. 做大王 E. 霸主 [单选题]关于油气田地下断层的识别标志,描述不正确的是( )。
A. 地层对比识别断层,一般正断层地层重复,逆断层地层缺失 B. 其他间接标志,如钻井液漏失、钻井液温度的突然变化 C. 构造图上相邻井海拔标高有差异 D. 相邻流体性质或流体压力梯度不一致 我来回答: 提交