It was about 2 p.m. on Mar. 9 when
three Nucor Corp. electricians got the call from their colleagues at the Hickman
(Ark.) plant. It was bad news: Hickman’s electrical grid had failed. For a
minimill steelmaker like Nucor, which melts scrap steel from autos, dishwashers,
mobile homes, and the like in an electric arc furnace to make new steel, there’s
little that could be worse. The trio immediately dropped what they were doing
and headed out to the plant. No supervisor had asked them to make the trip, and no one had to. They went on their own. There wasn’t any direct financial incentive for them to blow their weekends, no extra money in their next paycheck, but for the company their, contribution was huge. What’s most amazing about this story is that at Nucor it’s not considered particularly remarkable. "It could have easil A. its close relation with integrated steel giants. B. its upstart identity in steel industry. C. its admirable location of being close to integrated steel giants. D. its corporate culture based on close relations among employees. [单选题]Ⅳ型超敏反应的重要病理学特征为( )。
A.淋巴细胞和单核巨噬细胞浸润 B.嗜酸性粒细胞浸润 C.中性粒细胞浸润 D.淋巴细胞浸润 E.以上均不对 [判断题]对以监督为名侮辱、诽谤、诬陷他人的,依纪严肃 处理;涉嫌犯罪的移送司法机关处理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 油罐火灾扑救应坚持( )等战术措施,在满足扑救条件时,一次性消灭火灾。
A.以固为主、固移结合 B. 先控制、后消灭 C. 攻防并举、准确迅速 D.冷却保护、防止爆炸 [判断题]人民警察发现实施犯罪的人是怀孕妇女、儿童的,一律不得使用枪支。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述文化品牌扩展战略的内容。
A.张载 B.朱熹 C.程颢 D.程颐 [单项选择]如为空腹发病,最适宜的处置方式是
A. 胃肠减压,抗炎抑酸补液治疗 B. 胃大部切除 C. 单纯修补病灶 D. 迷走神经切断术 E. 高选择性迷走神经切断术 [判断题]列车到达终点站停稳后,到达司机确认车门、安全门开启,并手指口呼:“双门开启”,返回司机室使用客室广播回复接车司机。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]隧洞衬砌厚度及强度根据围岩类别及外水压力等外部条件设置,其中IV.V类围岩需设置为钢筋混凝土,III类围岩可采用素混凝土或钢筋混凝土。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]角膜病中发病率和治盲率均占首位的是
A.细菌性角膜炎 B.真菌性角膜炎 C.棘阿米巴角膜炎 D.单纯疱疹病毒性角膜炎 E.角膜软化症 [单选题]( )是防止起吊钢丝绳由于角度过大或挂钩不妥时,造成起吊钢丝绳脱钩的安全装置。
A.力矩限制器 B.超高限制器 C.吊钩保险 [单项选择]
We drink more milk, eat more cream, cheese, butter than ever before. To meet and profit by this (61) demand for milk, dairy farmers have increased the (62) of their herds, they have (63) their grasslands more skillfully and have improved the quality of their stock. The average (64) of a cow in 1938 was 560 gallons at each lactation (哺乳期). Today it is well (65) 800 gallons. [单项选择]否决的变更请求除了作为整体变更控制的输出外还是哪个过程的输入
A. 制定项目管理计划 B. 监控项目工作过程 C. 整体变更控制 D. 指导与管理项目执行 [判断题]滑动水口是安装在钢包或中间包底部以实现调节钢水流量的装置。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]【大跨度大空间建筑火灾扑救】大跨度大空间建筑火灾灭火原则内堵外防、攻排结合、分割控制、逐片消灭。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]准予行政许可所依据的客观情况发生重大变化,行政机关可以自行决定变更或者撤回已经生效的行政许可。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]邻近铁路营业线进行以下影响营业线设备稳定、使用和行车安全的工程施工,列为()类施工,必须纳入铁路局月度施工计划。
A.A.A B.B.B C.C.C D.D.D [单项选择] 阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。