One theory of human evolution is that
our ancestors were semi-aquatic apes. They spent much time in water that they
lost their body hair, which makes swimming difficult. Daedalus points out that
in fact, water is a deadly environment for human beings — not by drowning, but
by chilling. Our alleged aquatic ancestors should have grown even thicker,
longer fur to minimize heat transfer. Indeed, in a maritime accident, it is
worth putting on all the clothes you can find; you will live that much longer in
the water. As for swimming — forget it. It stirs away all the body heat it
generates. Sadly, many sea disasters happen so suddenly that there is no time to look for spare clothes. So Daedalus is devising a nautical uniform which reacts with water to form an ideal survival garment. His first inspiration was the absorptive acry A. to use sea water to produce heat. B. to use the body to generate heat. C. to use the power produced by aircraft life-jacket. D. to use passive thermogenesis. [单项选择]公务员在受到何种惩处后在年度考核定为“称职”还可以按时晋升工资档次( )
A. 记过 B. 撤职 C. 警告 D. 降级 [单选题]经游离水脱除器处理后的含油污水,进入污水沉降罐分离出含水率()的含水原油,通过加热炉升温后进入电脱水器处理。
A.2%-10% B.10%-20% C.15%-30% D.10%-30% [判断题]达到报废标准的机动车不得上道路行驶。报废的大型客、货车及其他营运车辆应当在公安机关交通管理部门的监督下解体。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]三相笼型异步电动机()。
A. 只能正方向旋转 B. 只能反方向旋转 C. 可实现正、反两方向旋转 [多项选择]当空调机组仅显示高温报警时,有可能是因为以下哪些原因()
A. 传感器失灵 B. 空气过滤网过脏 C. 制冷系统运转不良 D. 室内风机故障 E. 温度设定值不正确 [多选题]用于曲线上的25m标准缩短轨,其缩短量有哪几种( )。
A.40mm B.80mm C.120mm D.160mm [多选题]党的各级领导干部必须( )。
A.信念坚定 B.为民服务 C.勤政务实 D.敢于担当 E.清正廉洁 [单选题]某温度下,在50mLCCL溶液中含有0. 568gI,若在500mL水含磷0. 0133mol/则CCl,溶液中含碘的浓度是M-253.8g/mol) ( ) mol/L.
A..0.0315 B..0. 115 C..1.15 D..0.315 [单选题]在道路救援时,一般道路实施警戒时,警戒距离不少于( )米。
A.150 B.200 C.250 D.300 [单项选择]关于水痘和带状疱疹的说法正确的是()
A. 同一病毒致病 B. 抵抗力低下时导致水痘 C. 愈后均遗留瘢痕 D. 无获得性免疫力 [单项选择]会计档案中,综合核算和明细核算的各种账、簿、卡、传票及附件的保管期限是()。
A. 永久 B. 5年 C. 15年 D. 2年 [单选题]ETC发行时效性稽核包括发行、变更、挂失、过户、挂起、注销、信息上传等业务操作( )的稽核。
A.准确性 B.时效性 C.规范性 D.特殊性 [判断题]班组安全生产检查应明确检查内容、检查标准、检查方法、检查周期等,但不必形成安全检查记录。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交