Some of the concerns surrounding
Turkey’s application to join the European Union, to be (1) on
by the EU’s Council of Ministers on December 17th, are economic—in particular,
the country’s relative poverty. Its GDP per head is less than a third of
the average for the 15 pre-2004 members of the EU. (2) it is
not far off that of Latvia—one of the ten new members which (3)
on May 1st 2004, and it is much the same as (4) of
two countries, Bulgaria and Romania, which this week concluded (5)
talks with the EU that could make them full members on January 1st
2007. (6) , the country’s recent economic progress has been, according to Donald Johnston, the secretary-general of the A. current B. currency C. stock D. share [单项选择]对流感患者一般隔离
A. 2d B. 5d C. 7d D. 8d E. 10d [单选题]高压验电时,人体与被验电的线路、设备的带电部位应保持( )的安全距离。
A.1.0m B.0.7m C.1.5m D.1.2m [单选题]32.口服补液盐液体的张力是
A..1/2张 B..1/3张 C..2/3张 D..1/4张 E..1/5张 [单项选择]关于血清铁蛋白,错误的是().
A. 是去铁蛋白和Fe3+形成的复合物 B. 是铁的贮存形式 C. 是判断是否缺铁或铁负荷过量的指标 D. 减低见于溶血性贫血 E. 可作为营养不良的调查指标 [单选题]在电焊作业或其他有火花、熔融源等的场所使用的安全带或安全绳应有()。
A.绝缘防磨套 B.隔热绝缘套 C.隔热防磨套 D.隔热套 [单选题]夜间进行高处作业必须有足够的( )。
A.站场设备 B.防护设备 C.作业设备 D.照明设备 [判断题] 汽油中不能加入煤油或者柴油。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述链条炉排安装质量检验要求。
[多选题]关于公路配电工程中钢管敷设的说法,正确的有( )。
A.镀锌钢管和薄壁钢管应采用螺纹连接或套管紧定螺钉连接 B.明配钢管或暗挖镀锌钢管与盒(箱)连接应采用锁紧螺母或护套帽固定 C.直埋于地下时应采用厚壁钢管 D.薄壁钢管应采用焊接连接 E.潮湿场所应采用薄壁钢管 [单项选择]女性患者,27岁,病史:1周前出现四肢无力,1天前出现声音嘶哑,胸闷、气促。查体:神清,构音障碍,呼吸困难,双侧周围性面瘫,双侧上肢肌力3级、下肢肌力1级,四肢肌张力减低,各腱反射消失,双侧Babinski征阴性。治疗上最重要的是()
A. 皮质类固醇 B. B族维生素 C. 阿昔洛韦 D. 补钾 E. 血浆置换 我来回答: 提交