Focus on Your Customer{{/B}} If you think of the most successful companies around the world -- GM, Wal-Mart, IBM, etc. -- they all have one thing in common: loyal customers. It can cost ten to twenty times as much to acquire a customer as to retain one, so it’s easy to understand why customer relationship management is such a hot concept. But, while everyone understands CRM is a good thing, putting a CRM strategy together isn’t easy. The place to start A customer-driven business model. A customer-driven business model is the most prudent method of ensuring customer loyalty because it fo A. the project is too large. B. it involves strategic investment. C. the implementation is too integrated. D. there is inadequate funds. [判断题]( )均匀轨缝是指拆开钢轨接头,串轨量较大的作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]不需要设定各类食品销售专区,不需要有明显的区域划分、隔离设施和标志。
A. 逐步下降 B. 逐步上升 C. 不变 D. 变动方向不一定 [单项选择]被称为德国“黄金水道”的河流是()
A. 多瑙河 B. 莱茵河 C. 易北河 D. 威悉河 [判断题] 题干:客运企业应当逐步建立客运车辆技术信息化管理系统,完善客运车辆的技术管理。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]简单电力系统中,同步发电机保持暂态稳定的条件是转子受扰运动过程中加速面积小于最大减速面积。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]
高频保护通道试验每(____)一次。 A. 日 B. 月 C. 季 D. 年 [单项选择]硫酸镁用于治疗
A. 惊厥 B. 帕金森病 C. 抑郁症 D. 痛风 E. 记忆障碍 [单项选择]信息处理器体现的是系统的()功能。
A. 处理 B. 传输 C. 读取 D. 分析 [名词解释]外部实体
[填空题]Pattie Kovars:
Even if my whole family gets up very early, I always like to work at night. I find that’ s my best time to get work done. I like night time because everything is calm and I can just write. I feel calmer and more focused at night. There is no pressure. When I read my papers in the morning, I’ m always amazed how good they sound. Brandi Baldasano: I try to make use of all the small portions of time that I have available. I find that I can finish a lot in fifteen minutes, because I am able to concentrate for that long knowing I have only a few minutes. Those small units of time really add up over a week. Setting small goals seems to help me avoid feeling overwhelmed. I use my calendar as a guide, by putting down what school work I would like to finish each day to be caught up. Galo Arboleda: I’m the king of procrastination. I like to do everything at the last minute, and I really pay the price by being nervous and anxious. I alw [单项选择]在向干系人提交项目管理计划时,项目经理注意到其中一名几乎没有组织权利的干系人表现出不感兴趣。项目经理应使用什么方法来管理该干系人?()
A. 监察该干系人。 B. 密切管理该干系人。 C. 保持让该干系人满意。 D. 保持让该干系人获得通知。 [单项选择]一重度水肿患者,查体:全身高度水肿,呈凹陷性;腹平坦,移动性的浊音(+)。估计其腹水量大约是()
A. 300~500ml B. 500~1000ml C. 1000~1500ml D. 1500~2000ml E. 2000~2500ml [单选题]列车机车与第一辆车的连挂,由( )负责。
A.调车人员 B.机车乘务组 C.车辆乘务员 D.客列检人员 [多选题]8.电缆引下装置用于线路进、出线及分支。根据电缆线路的不同情
A. 经跌落式熔断器引下 B.经隔离开关引下 C.经柱上断路器引下 D.直接引下 [单选题]《民法典》第四百七十一规定,当事人订立合同,可以采取要约、( )方式或者其他方式。
A.口头 B.承诺 C.书面 D.格式条款 [单项选择]非磁性钻铤是一种不易磁化的钻铤,其用途是为()提供一个不受钻柱磁场影响的测量环境。
A. 虹吸测斜仪器 B. 陀螺测斜仪器 C. 非磁性测斜仪器 D. 磁性测斜仪器 [单选题]高温高压的调节阀应选()材质。
A.铸钢 B.碳钢 C.1Cr18Ni9Ti [单项选择]电流正反馈主要补偿()上电压的损耗。
A. 电枢回路电阻 B. 电源内阻 C. 电枢电阻 D. 电抗器电阻 [单选题]质量控制资料属于( )文件。
A.A类 B.B类 C.C类 D.D类 [不定项选择题]A.栀子、大黄
A.柴胡、干姜 B.藿香、半夏 C.半夏、生姜 D.厚朴、甘草 E.八正散和茵陈蒿汤都含有的药物是 [单项选择]2013年是中国改革开放35周年。改革永远都是在人民群众的实践中推进的,我国的改革开放正是发端于人民群众的首创精神。这体现了()
A. 人民群众是物质财富的创造者 B. 人民群众是精神财富的创造者 C. 人民群众是社会变革的决定力量 D. 生产活动是人类社会存在和发展的基础 [多项选择]下列哪种变电站综合自动化设备应接入GPS同步时钟装置()
A. 微机保护装置 B. 测控装置 C. 远动管理机 D. 故障录波器 [单项选择]对诊断原发性肝癌具有较高特异性的辅助检查是()
A. B超 B. CT C. 放射性核素肝扫描 D. 血清甲胎蛋白测定 E. 选择性肝动脉造影 [填空题]Before the invention of agriculture men were hunters. They went out every day. Sometimes they killed animals; sometimes animals killed them. Life was hard and dangerous. Women (11) go out every day, too. They collected roots, fruit and grasses. Then, one day, (12) years ago, a woman dropped some grass seeds. She dropped them near her home. They grew and the first wheat (13) . The idea grew, too. Women planted roots and fruit tree. Then they could stay at home and (14) the children and the animals. Women liked baby animals. They kept the baby animals: dogs, cows, sheep and goats. That idea grew, too. Then their husbands did net have to go hunting for meat. They stayed at home. They (15) villages and cities. Civilization began. Men began civilization after women invented agriculture.
A. 使电磁阀瞬时通电 B. 使用油量表 C. 使用浮子电门或满油浮子活门 D. 使用燃油消耗量表 [单项选择]我国采取()方法划定领海基线。
A. 正常基线法 B. 直线基线法 C. 自然基线法 D. 几何直线法 [单选题] ( )应当对电力设施定期进行检修和维护,保证其正常运行。
A.用电企业; B.电力企业; C.县级以上地方人民政府; D.电力生产企业。 [填空题]用下面所给动词的适当形式填空。
My mother got me ______ her broken camera. (fix) [单选题]3.48.第48题
在避雷针、避雷线的架构上,可以装设未采取保护措施的通信线、低压电力照明线。 A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交