This year the combined advertising
revenues of Google and Yahoo! will rival the combined primetime ad revenues of
America’s three big television networks, ABC, CBS and NBC predicts Advertising
Age. It will, says the trade magazine, represent a "watershed moment" in the
evolution of the internet as an advertising medium. A 30-second prime-time TV ad
was once considered the most effective — and the most expensive — form of
advertising. But that was before the internet got going. And this week online
advertising made another leap forward. This latest innovation comes from Google, which has begun testing a new auction-based service for display advertising. Both Google and Yahoo! make most of their money from advertising. Auctioning keyword search-terms, which deliver sponsored links to advertisers’ websites, has proved t A. Google and Yahoo! share advertising revenues with television networks. B. The success of Google and Yahoo takes a turning-point to online advertising. C. America’s three big television networks play an important role in the development of advertising medium. D. Google and Yahoo! build up their status in advertising. [判断题]举高消防车当主发动机出现故障,必须启动配备的汽油机泵,才能收回伸缩臂。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]依据《生产经营单位安全培训规定》,针对矿山生产企业厂长的安全培训内容应当包括国家安全生产方针、政策和有关安全生产的法律、法规、规章及标准,安全生产管理基本知识,典型事故和应急救援案例和( )。
A. 职业危害及其预防措施 B. 主要危险岗位安全操作规程 C. 国内外先进的安全生产管理经验 D. 伤亡事故统计知识应急医疗急救知识 [单项选择]下列各项中,不属于原始凭证要素的是( )。
A. 经济业务发生日期 B. 经济业务内容 C. 会计人员记账标记 D. 原始凭证附什 [单选题]半自动闭塞线路电源电压应使对方站的线路继电器得到电压不少于其工作值的( )。
A.110% B.115% C.120% D.130% [判断题] “attitude”的中文意思是“态度 ” ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对分子筛吸附剂来说,升高温度有利于增加吸附量。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下哪个不属于 DNS 服务器的资源记录类型?
A.别名 B.作用域 C.主机 D.起始授权机构 [简答题]混凝土铺筑前应进行哪些项目的检查?
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 警察节期间,公安机关可结合实际采取()等多种方式,广泛开展社会宣传,大力加强警察公共关系建设,树立公安机关和公安队伍良好形象。
A.走访慰问 B.警营开放 C.法制宣讲 D.便民服务 [单项选择]不属于商店选择的原则()
A. 方便消费者购买 B. 方便货品运送 C. 不利于竞争 D. 有利于网店扩充 [多选题]填用配电带电作业工作票的工作有( )。
A. 高压配电带电作业; B. 与邻近带电高压线路或设备的距离大于表3-2 小于表3-1规定的不停电作业; C. 测量接地电阻; D. 加固电杆基础 [单选题]货车人力制动机试验时,制动状态全车闸瓦须抱紧车轮,脚踏式制动机链卷入量为( )。
A.0.5一l圈 B.1一1.5圈 C.1.5—2圈 D.2—6圈 [单选题]()主要由发动机、变速器、发电/电动机、逆变器、蓄电池组、驱动桥等部件组成
A.BSG B.ISG C.PHEV D.TSI [填空题]电离辐射的作用方式分为( )和体内照射两种。 P284
A.A.紫外/可见检测器 B.B,示差折光检测器 C.C.荧光检测器 D.D.蒸发光散射检测器 我来回答: 提交