For most of us, dieting is a
frustrating fact of life. With so much conflicting nutritional information
about, it can be difficult to tell which weight-loss strategies really work.
Let’s start by discounting these confusing myths. 1. All calories are created equal What you eat, not how much, is the main factor behind weight gain, according to research. Calories from fat pack on the pounds. The reason: during digestion, the body bums many more calories metabolizing protein and carbohydrates than it does metabolizing fat. 2. Desserts are taboo Cakes, pies and ice cream can sensibly be worked into a diet, the expert says. Moderation is the key. Cut down on other meals if you’11 be eating out at a restaurant known for its rich sweets. Or indulge, but take only a few bites. 3. Fast foods are forbidden A. break B. form C. get rid of D. change [单选题] 非风动卸砟车边走边卸时,先停车确认,应以( )时速边走边卸,并及时清理限界内的道砟。
A. 5~10 km/h B. 8~15 km/h C. 10~15 km/h D. 15~20 km/h [填空题]检验臭的水样,应采集在()(容器)中,并尽快分析。如需保存,至少应采集500ml水于容器中并充满,在()度下冷藏,并确保不得有外来气味进入水中。
[单选题]退票时,票面乘车站开车时间不足( )小时的退票费按票价20%计。
A.12 B.24 C.48 D.72 [简答题]打造消防铁军对攻坚组的总体要求是什么?
[单选题]如遇爆胎,特别是前轮爆裂时,双手紧握方向盘,尽力向车辆运动的反方向控制,严禁( ),应利用手刹或轻踩制动,平稳停车。停车后按规定在车后设置警示牌。
A.踩离合 B.紧急制动 C.挂空挡 D.以上都不是 [单选题]直升机按起飞重量大致可分为轻型、中型、重型、巨型直升机四种类型,以下哪一项为中型直升机,( )
A. 米-6 B. 米-8 C. 米-26 [单项选择]患者男,24岁,高热3d,咳嗽,咳铁锈色痰,白细胞增高,X线胸片呈右上叶片状阴影,诊断为大叶性肺炎。痰培养可见血平板上形成灰白色、半透明、表面光滑、α溶血的小菌落。治疗该病原菌肺炎,首选的药物是()。
A. 青霉素类 B. 头孢菌素类 C. 庆大霉素 D. 红霉素 E. 万古霉素 F. 甲硝唑 [单选题]在500kV带电线路杆塔上工作,作业人员活动范围及其所携带的工具、材料等,与带电导线最小安全距离不准小于()m。
A.3.0 B.4.0 C.5.0 D.8.0 [单项选择]Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard
A. She thinks that’s a great thing for ladies. B. She thinks that’s because ladies are more competitive. C. She thinks that shows ladies are powerful nowadays. D. She thinks that reflects ladies’ current lifestyle. [单选题]在SF6配电装置室低位区应安装能报警的氧量仪和SF6气体泄漏报警仪,在工作人员入口处应装设显示器。上述仪器应( ),保证完好。
A. 定期检验 B.不定期检验 C.专人巡视检查 D.定期更换 [单选题]DW型无激磁分接开关的动触头与定触头之间,应保持的接触压力为( )。
A.0.5~1.5kg B.2~5kg C.9~11kg D.7~8kg。 [单选题]( )主要原因是轴承与轴颈配合松旷或润滑不良。
A.曲轴轴承响 B.活塞敲缸响 C.气门响 D.正时齿轮响 [填空题]非试点小区建筑物平均室温检测持续的时间为()。
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