Psychology is the study of the mind and
mental activities. For example, psychologists are interested in why some things
make you sad, but others make you happy. They want to know why some people are
shy, but others are quite talkative. They want to know why people do the thing
that they do. They also test intelligence. Psychologists deal with the mind and behavior of people. Your mind consists of all your feelings, thoughts and ideas. It is the result of one part of the brain called the cerebrum. Your behavior is the way you act or conduct yourself. Examples of behavior include shouting, crying, laughing and sleeping. Several people have been instrumental in the field of psychology. Whihelm Wundt set up the first psychological laboratory in Leipzig, Germany, in 1879. Ivan Pavlov, a Russian, is noted for his experiments with dogs in wh A. Pavlov’s experiments with dogs were successful B. people make an effort to hold back unhappy memories C. psychiatrists should work closely with psychologists D. people should learn something about psychology [单选题]合成纤维吊装带发现外部护套破损显露出内芯时,应降低标准使用。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]关于对初级溶酶体的叙述下列哪项是错误的()。
A. 该溶酶体体积最小,约0.2~0.5μm B. 是由高尔基复合体反面扁平囊芽生而来 C. 含有无活性的水解酶,没有作用底物及消化产物 D. 溶酶体内的水解酶都是由粗面内质网上的核糖体合成 E. 以上都不是 [判断题]寒冷季节,水泵、出水球阀、附加冷却器、管路中的余水不需要放尽。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]计量自动化检定设备,工频耐压试验单元应设置安全防护罩和门控开关、工作指示灯。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]根据学习动机 的( ),可以将学习动机分为近景的直接性动机和远景的间接性动机。
[多选题]多选题:已赔付不足整件的合格产品禁止涂改日期并再次销售,带走产品包体表面需打印“非卖品”字样,要求正确的有( )
A.打印位置需部分覆盖至产品顶部生产日期表面 B.变形产品必须打印“非卖品”后方可带走 C.不得出现打印模糊、堆码、半码、倒置、歪斜等现象 D.并A带走产品总数及打印内容进行拍照留存 [单项选择]A user is unable to connect to the network. A network technician is able to determine that there is a problem on the switch. All other users on that switch are able to connect successfully to the network. Which of the following is a probable cause?()
A. Switching loop is occurring on the switch. B. Wrong subnet mask on the switch. C. Incorrect SNMP settings on the switch. D. Port is misconfigured on the switch. [单项选择]电阻器是电子设备中应用最广泛的元件之一,在电路中的作用主要是()。
A. 限流、分流,降压、分压 B. 负载 C. 与其他元件配合作滤波及阻抗匹配 D. 以上都是 [单项选择]以下哪项符合小儿时期急性惊厥发作的特征()
A. 惊厥发生率随小儿年龄增长而增高 B. 小儿时期不易有频繁或严重惊厥发作 C. 小儿惊厥持续状态的发生率低于成年人 D. 新生儿和婴儿常有不显性惊厥发作 E. 引起小儿惊厥的病因单一 [多选题] 针对750kV带电作业用屏蔽服,主要进行了哪些试验()
A.衣料及成衣电阻试验 B.衣内外电场强度试验 C.旁路电流试验 D.耐压试验 [单选题]刚性接触网跨中弛度不得大于跨距值的( ),且不应出现负弛度。
A.1‰ B.5‰ C.3‰ D.10‰ [单选题]新生儿期的年龄段是
A.出生至28天内 B.2-5岁 C.1-3岁 D.4-5岁 [单项选择]可用于监测昏迷和确定脑死亡预后判断的电诊断是()
A. 体感诱发电位 B. 视觉诱发电位 C. 听觉诱发电位 D. 躯体感觉诱发电位 E. 运动诱发电位 [单选题]跨地区从业的特种设备作业人员,( )向从业所在地的发证部门申请复审。
A.可以 B.不能 C.必须 我来回答: 提交