Until recently, most American
entrepreneurs (企业家)were men. Discrimination against women in business, the
demands of caring for families, and lack of business training had kept the
number of women entrepreneurs small. Now, however, businesses owned by women
account for more than $40 billion in annual revenues, and this figure is likely
to continue rising throughout the 1980s. As Carolyn Doppelt Gray, an official of
the Small Business Administration, has noted, "The 1970s was the decade of women
entering management, and the 1980s has turned out to be the decade of the woman
entrepreneur." What are some of the factors behind this trend For one thing, as more women earn advanced degrees in business and enter the corporate world, they are finding obstacles. Women are still excluded from most executive suites. Charlotte Taylor, a manageme A. women are better at small businesses than men are B. women today are better educated than in the past, making them more attractive to the business world C. women today are opening more businesses of their own D. the computer business is especially attractive for women today [单选题]中国新民主主义革命胜利的三大法宝是( )、武装斗争、党的建设。
A.土地革命 B.党的领导 C.群众路线 D.统一战线 [多选题]根据不同的通风方式,局部通风排尘方法可分为( )
A..总风压通风排尘 B.扩散通风排尘 C..引射器通风排尘 D.局部通风机通风排尘 [多选题]以下说法正确的是( )[2分]
A.工作负责人填写工作票、员工人身安全风险分析预控本后交工作票签发人审 核,无误后交由工作票签发人签发; B.风电机组工作票签发后,工作许可人和工作负责人再次共同审查工作内容和 工作票所列安全措施,确认无误后双方履行双联工作票工作许可签字手续,填写 工作许可时间,工作许可人在第一联安全措施执行栏中打钩; C.在工作许可人没有签名并填写许可工作开始时间之前,工作负责人和所有工 作班成员不得前往工作地点; D.工作许可人可对工作票安全措施进行必要的补充。 [单项选择]关于无代理权的行为,下列说法正确的是()。
A. 该行为有效 B. 只有经过被代理人追认,被代理人才承担民事责任 C. 未经追认的,也由被代理人承担民事责任 D. 该行为无效 [单选题]图上有( )违章行为。
A.安全工器具不合格 B.卡线器有裂纹 C.牵引绳段股 D.螺旋千斤顶的螺纹或齿条 [单项选择]GreditMonitor模型对有风险贷款和债券进行估值的理论基础是()。
A. 资产组合理论 B. CAPM模型 C. 默顿期权定价理论 D. 多因素模型 [判断题] 没有得到起重司机的同意,禁止任何人登上起重机。( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]道路交会区主干路与主干路交会、主干路与次干路交会及主干路与支路交汇照明标准值为( )。
A. 30/50 B. 25 C. 20 D. 15 [判断题]管理员取出被吞卡片后,不用清理吞卡记数器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列行为中,不属于行政复议范围的是( )。
A.警告 B.治安调解 C.行政拘留 D.吊销公安机关发放的许可证 [多项选择]下列符合对沥青混凝土路面对基层要求的是( )。
A. 具有足够的强度和适宜的刚度 B. 具有良好的稳定性 C. 干燥收缩和温度收缩变形较小 D. 表面应平整密实;拱度与面层的拱度应一致;高程符合要求 E. 掺入的减水剂应符合现行标准的要求 [单项选择]除下列哪项外均为呕吐、泄泻、胃脘痛三证共同病因().
A. 肝气横逆 B. 外感风寒 C. 脾胃虚寒 D. 瘀血停滞 E. 饮食不节 我来回答: 提交