Many small cultural groups live in
places far away from modern cities. Some of these tribes have never had any
communication outside of their small areas. When they do contact the outside
world, their lives usually change. Learning how to change without losing the
best of their own cultures is a problem for them. One native tribe in New Guinea has a difficult situation. The people of the tribe are being pulled in two ways. Copper has been discovered under the land where they have lived for centuries. Developers want to take the copper out of the ground, to mine it. The tribe needs the money that a copper mine would bring. The problem is that the copper is directly under the most important building of their society. These buildings are a necessary part of their religion. How can the copper be mined without changing their religion A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1 [多选题]辩护律师在侦查阶段会见犯罪嫌疑人时,享有的权利是()。
A.查阅、摘抄、复制本案的案卷材料 B.可以向侦查机关了解犯罪嫌疑人涉嫌的罪名和案件有关情况 C.可以向犯罪嫌疑人核实有关证据 D.会见犯罪嫌疑人时不被监听 [填空题]( )是消防救援人员的基本姿势,是队列动作的基础。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]12000599其他应收款项。本科目核算本行除诉讼费垫款、案件挂账、待处理抵债资产费用等明确规定以外的其他应收及暂付款项,高速通行费垫款在本科目核算。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]()方法是从企业最基本的业务过程及相关数据的分析入手,通过建立U/C矩阵,从而规划组织信息系统的总体结构及子系统划分。
A. 企业系统规划法 B. 关键成功因素法 C. 波特竞争力模型 D. 价值链方法 [单项选择]菌群多样性指标为“+”表示( )
A. 油镜下平均每视野细菌形态1~3种 B. 油镜下平均每视野细菌形态4~6种 C. 油镜下平均每视野细菌形态7~10种 D. 油镜下细菌形态10~100种 E. 油镜下细菌形态无法计数 [单项选择]有两支蜡烛,粗细不同,长度相等,粗蜡烛燃尽需要2小时,细蜡烛燃尽需要1小时。一天晚上停电,同时点燃了这两支蜡烛,若干分钟后来电了,将两支蜡烛同时熄灭,此时,粗蜡烛的长度是细蜡烛的2倍。假如蜡油的燃烧速度(单位时间的蜡油燃量)恒定,则停电时长为多少分钟()
A. 30 B. 35 C. 40 D. 45 [判断题]ZYJ7型电动液压转辙机动力机构的作用是将电能转变为液压能。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]如何理解MW断路器的型号含义?
[单选题]牵引杆的作用是( )。
A.代替绳栓 B.代替车钩使用 C.防止列车分离 D.用于整车吊运 [单选题]亚急性感染性心内膜炎最常见的并发症是
A.心力衰竭 B.心肌脓肿 C.急性心肌梗死 D.肾炎 E.化脓性脑膜炎 [不定项选择题]A.结膜发黄
A.结膜散在出血点 B.结膜滤泡 C.结膜苍白 D.结膜充血、发红 E.贫血时的结膜特点是 [单选题]经前、经期面目四肢浮肿,腰膝酸软,大便溏薄者,多属于
A.心脾两虚 B.脾虚肝旺 C.脾肾阳虚 D.血虚肝旺 E.脾胃虚弱 [单选题]火场供水是一项技术性较强的任务,下面不符合火场供水原则()。
A.就近停靠使用水源 B.确保重点,兼顾一般 C.快速准确,科学合理 D.掌握辖区水源情况 [单选题]某患者化脓性中耳炎治愈后出现进行性开口困难,后完全不能张口,下颌畸形随年龄增长而日益明显。其表现应该是 ( )
A.颏部偏向健侧,健侧面部外观丰满 B.颏部偏向健侧,健侧面部扁平、狭长 C.患侧下颌体、下颌支短小,面部外观丰满 D.颏部偏向患侧,患侧面部扁平、狭长 E.患侧下颌体、下颌支长;面部外观丰满 [单项选择]Passage Three
The significance of trust is that it allows the parties involved in the relationship to indicate how they feel, what they behave, and where they disagree without fear of contradiction or reprisal(报复). Trusting relationship encourage people to disclose their plans and perceptions without hurting themselves or others. Hurt, whether real or imagined, is one of the most harmful consequences of personal relationships with other human beings. In situations which you feel that the other person has the power and intent to hurt you, trust diminishes quickly. Thus a climate of distrust appears in your relations with others. Conversely, if I can say whatever comes to my mind without etting hurt, a climate of trust pervades the relationship. Trust is a perceptual phenomenon that evolves from our experiences with others. If trusting were so easy, we would not need to make such a point of its importance in human relationships. To say that a person should A. they become the target of revenging attack from others B. they are not so open and trusting others C. they do not want to become the target of revenging attack from others D. they do not want to lose friends [单选题]模拟培训工作站位于( )室。
A.中央设备室 B.车站设备室 C.培训室 D.运行图室 [单选题]《行政执法机关移送涉嫌犯罪案件的规定》规定,行政执法机关违反本规定,隐匿、私分、销毁涉案物品的,由本级或者上级人民政府、或者实行垂直管理的上级行政执法机关,对其正职负责人根据情节轻重,给予( )以上的处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
A.记过 B.记大过 C.降级 D.撤职 [单选题]客车编入货物列车回送时,客车编挂辆数不得超过20辆,应挂于列车( )。
A.前部 B.后部 C.中部 D.中部或后部 [单选题]AFCS工作在航向保持方式,当前航向110,若选择航向按钮顺时针转至310,并按下HDG SEL按钮,则:
A.控制飞机左转至310 B.控制飞机右转至310 C.控制飞机左转或右转至310 D.保持110度不变 [单项选择]数字字符0的ASCⅡ值为48,若有以下程序 main( ) {char a='1',b='2'; printf("%c",b++); printf ("%d/n",b-a); } 程序运行后的输出结果是 ______。
A. 32 B. 502 C. 22 D. 2,50 我来回答: 提交