下列最有意义的检查是()。A man is going to the house of a friend’s. It is
quile far away. so he takes some sandwiches (三明治) along for his lunch. When llc
goes along. lie says to himself. "My friend is sum Io give me a very nice nleah
So what’s the use of these dry (干的) sandwiches" Then hc dlrows them on the
road. He goes on and comes to a river. The river is very big because el the rain in tile pasl few days. He can’t cross the river. He wtmts to wait for a boat So lie waits and waits. But no boat comes. Then the sun goes down. The man says to himself. "I can’t go to my friend’s house today. I must go home. " Then tie begins to go genie. Soon he fcels hungry (饿). He wants very much to have something to wt. But be doesn’t have anything. Suddenly he sees some dry. hard sandwiches on the road. He is happy. He picks them up and eats Ihenl all. Don’t hrow good things away; y [单选题]对于接地电阻测量仪探针位置说法正确的是( )
A.将电位探针插在离接地体20m的地下,电流探针插在离接地体40m的地下。 B.将电流探针插在离接地体20m的地下,电位探针插在离接地体40m的地下。 C.将电位探针插在离接地体20m的地下,电流探针插在离电位探针40m的地下。 [判断题]钻井液中固相颗粒的水化分散性不会影响滤饼的质量。
A. 大量颗粒管型 B. 大量粗颗粒管型 C. 复合性透明脂肪管型 D. 复合性透明白细胞管型 E. 复合性透明红细胞管型 [单选题]木屋架形式有三角形、梯形、多边形(弧形)等,有关它们的受力情况,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.三角形最好,梯形次之,多边形最差 B.梯形最好,三角形次之,多边形最差 C.多边形最好,三角形次之,梯形最差 D.多边形最好,梯形次之,三角形最差 [单选题]着( )参加灭火战斗时,应竖起衣领,并使之与头盔的披肩重合以保护颈部;
A.灭火防护服 B.抢险救援服 C.体能作训服 D.常服 [单选题]关于急性白血病以下说法哪些错误
A.急性白血病常规WBC可高、可低、可正常 B.未梢血分类可出现幼稚细胞,也可见不到幼稚细胞 C.早幼粒细胞白血病以出血为突出表现 D.急性白血病化疗缓解不用巩固强化治疗 [单选题]对鉴别上、下尿路感染最有意义的是
A.中段尿细菌培养阳性 B.尿路刺激症状 C.畏寒、发热、腰痛 D.肾小管浓缩功能正常 E.尿中白细胞管型 [单项选择]Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
A. He is checking in a hotel. B. He is applying for a bank account. C. He is filling in the applicant form. D. He is reporting his loss of luggage. [多选题] 滚筒驱动带式输送机必须装设( )。
A.制动装置和下运防逆转装置 B.防滑、堆煤保护和防跑偏装置 C.温度、烟雾保护和自动洒水装置 D.张紧力下降保护和防撕裂保护 [单项选择]B细胞的主要功能不包括
A. 产生抗体 B. 递呈抗原 C. 杀伤靶细胞 D. 分泌细胞因子 E. 免疫调节 [单选题]雷达校靶时,靶板应放置在距飞机前基准支架( )处。
A.50m B.100m C.20m D.1km 我来回答: 提交