Can you believe it There’s a world
paper shortage. There’s a national bottle shortage, and we’re running out of raw
materials like timber and tin -- or so the papers say. Well, I’ve just emptied
my shopping basket after my weekly shopping trip and it was full of things made
from these scarce materials. Half of what I’d bought I threw away at once; all
those unnecessary paper bags, plastic bags, fresh wrapping paper and old
newspapers they put the food in nowadays. Modern packaging makes shopping cleaner and more convenient, but at what cost Every time you throw away a paper bag you’re throwing away part of a tree -- and trees don’t grow overnight! At this rate there soon won’t be any trees left, and then what shall we do Perhaps we’ll learn to do what my mother did. She used to keep a store of paper bags in a kitchen A. He asks for an awareness of the shortage of raw materials. B. He wants us to use paper bags again and again. C. He wants us to buy liquid goods. D. He wants us to re-use all our bottles. [填空题]“虚劳______,酸枣仁汤主之。”
[多选题]小叶性肺炎常见的并发症包括( )。
A.心力衰竭 B.呼吸衰竭 C.脓毒血症 D.脓胸 [单选题](2013年)已知每平方米砖墙的勾缝时间为8min,则每立方米一砖半厚墙所需的勾缝时间为()min。
A.12.00 B.21.92 C.22.22 D.33.33 [简答题]倒闸操作票的填写注意事项有哪些?
[多选题]下列对中国话剧做出重大贡献的人物有( )。
A.曹禺 B.田汉 C.欧阳予倩 D.袁雪芬 E.洪深 [多选题]使用微量泵的注意事项正确的是( )
A.遵守无菌操作,防止污染 B.在泵入速度设置准确无误后方可泵入药物 C.及时处理报警 D.以上都对 [判断题]脂肪的来源可分为两大类,即动物蛋白和植物蛋白。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于二层交换机的说法不正确的是:()。
A. 不同VLAN之间不能通信 B. 传统的二层交换机网络是一个广播域,支持VLAN的二层交换机也是如此 C. 不同VLAN之间的通信必须要通过路由 D. 在传统的二层交换机中,交换机仅根据MAC地址进行帧的选路和转发 [单选题]综合录井仪钻井液液位(超声波池体积)传感器标定,缓慢匀速移动钻井液液面模拟板,每一个测量点处稳定时间不小于1min,记录各测量点的()和计算机采集值。
A.距离值 B.高度值 C.长度值 D.宽度值 E.略 F.略 [多选题]个人客户授信管理办法中,授信策略模型主要以()等维度建立。
A.个人客户信用 B.偿还能力 C.贷款金额 D.资产状况 E.担保方式 F.补偿因素 我来回答: 提交