There are lots of old things in
museums. Some are on tables, some are in glass-topped tables. The things on show
are all very old. Some of them have the ages of seven or eight hundred years.
Some are even older. Last week we went to the museum in the center of the town. There we saw a king’s hat. It was made of red silk. It is kept in a glass-topped table but it isn’t a real one. It was used in plays. Another thing we saw was an old teapot. It was used for making tea and keeping tea hot. It looks quite different from our modem thermos. We found a strange thing with three legs and a strange top. The assistant told us that it was used for drinking. It was made of metal. It was made hundreds of years ago. We saw pieces of china on a long table. They w [单项选择]Hardly ________ the audience started applauding.
A. had Prof. Smith finished his speech when B. Prof. Smith had finished his speech when C. had Prof. Smith finished his speech than D. Prof. Smith had finished his speech than [单选题] 下列哪个不是网络舆情的主要来源( )
A. 微信群 B. 论坛 C. 豆瓣 D. 微博 [多项选择]工程质量事故处理完成后,监理工程师在施工单位自检合格报验的基础上,应()进行验收。
A. 严格按施工验收标准及有关规范 B. 结合监理人员的旁站、巡视、平行检验结果 C. 依据质量事故调查报告的结果 D. 依据质量事故技术处理方案的要求 E. 通过实际量测、检查各种资料数据 [单选题]外单位施工作业时,由()负责与外单位签署安全协议。
A.归口管理部门 B.设备所属部门 C.安全部 D.行车调度部 [单项选择]把一个0.1H的电感接到频率为50HZ、电压有效值为10伏的正弦电路中,则通过电感的电流等于()毫安。
A. 100 B. 209 C. 314 D. 318 [单选题]根据《变电安规》,SF6设备解体检修,打开设备封盖后,现场所有人员应暂离现场( )min。
A.30 B.20 C.15 D.10 [单选题]关于噻嗪类利尿药,错误的是
A.属中等强度的利尿药 B.影响尿液的浓缩和稀释过程 C.是治疗高血压的基础药物 D.有抗利尿作用 E.大剂量长期应用可引起高血糖、高血脂 [判断题]在职业病目录中,职业性哮喘属于生物因素所致职业病。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]甲公司2019年的敏感性资产和敏感性负债总额分别为2000万元和1200万元,实现销售收入5000万元。公司预计2020年销售收入将增长20%,留存收益将增加40万元。则甲公司采用销售百分比法预测2020年需要追加的外部资金需要量为( )万元。
A.100 B.80 C.120 D.145 我来回答: 提交