Subject: Congratulations!
Hi, Margaret,
I’d like first of all to send you my congratulations. As you may have guessed, your interview last Thursday went tremendously well, and your application for the position in our Paris office has been approved. We’d like you to be ready to fly on June 4 because you’ll need about week to get adjusted to your new environment. You’ll begin work orientation on the 11th.
I realize that you speak French fluently and you have spent time in France. However, I strongly advise you to take advantage of the company’s resettlement course, which includes all kinds of benefits. Here is a sample:
· You can update your French with a private tutor before you leave. This will particularly help you with the technical aspects involved in your new position over there.
· We will give you several seminars o
A. She is bilingual.
B. She is not happy about relocating.
C. She majored in French in university.
D. She has been with the company for 15 years.
Punishment depends as much on politics
as it does on crime: crime rates have been stable in recent years but there’ s
been a striking increase in the prison population, And because populism is
coming so much to (1) the political agendas, politicians are
advocating sharp increases in penalties to take (2) of
public unease. The question is how far this will get. In the 21st century weak
governments might try to win legitimacy by being especially (3)
on crime. That could mean high prison populations and draconian
(4) such as those adopted in the United States in recent
years. Luckily, there remain significant differences between the UK and the USA: social divisions are less extreme an A. change B. rise C. drop D. decline [单项选择]患者,男,68岁,1周前因情绪激动后出现一侧肢体活动障碍,口眼歪斜,言语不能。既往有高血压病史20余年。发病后送医院急诊。查体:口角及鼻唇沟歪向左侧,鼓腮漏气,右侧肢体肌肉张力增高,关节挛缩畸形,肱二、三头肌腱反射亢进,下肢膝、跟腱反射亢进,健侧正常,患侧上肢可上举过头顶,可在肘0°位肩外展至90°位。此类患者常见的异常步态是()。
A. 帕金森病步态 B. 共济失调步态 C. 剪刀步态 D. 划圈步态 E. 跨阈步态 [单选题]中修时对车钩的尺寸限度正确要求是:()。
A. A、车钩高度为815—890mm B.B、锁闭位的车钩开度为100—127mm C.C、车钩高度为835-885mm [单选题] 电流互感器一次端子进线端的标志为( )。
A. P1 B. P2 C. S1 D. S2 [单项选择]如下图,基坑开挖深5米,其下的承压含水层顶板埋深8米,承压水头埋深4米,取地下水容重为1.0KN/m3,含水层之上的土层容重为1.7KN/m3。此时,基坑将()。
A. 发生突涌 B. 不会发生突涌 C. 已知条件不够,无法预测 [判断题]车辆技术状况的好坏直接影响车辆行驶作业安全。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]计算某年平均每千人口中的死亡数是()。
A. 粗死亡率 B. 年龄别死亡率 C. 标准化死亡率 D. 平均预期寿命 E. 婴儿死亡率 [多选题]商业银行柜员在现金存取款的操作中,存在操作风险的有( )。
A.临时离岗时,钱箱加锁并保管好钥匙 B.未审核客户有效身份证办理大额取现业务 C.未能正确识别假钞 D.未经授权办理大额取现业务 E.无支付凭证或使用内部凭证办理客户资金支付业务 [单选题]需要进入变电站或发电厂升压站进行架空线路、电缆等工作时,应增填工作票份数(按许可单位确定数量),分别经()许可,并留存。
A.变电站或发电厂等设备运维管理单位的工作许可人 B.调度 C.设备运维管理单位负责人 D.变电站或发电厂负责人 [单选题]轻伤是指损失工作日低于( )日的失能伤害
A..75. B..95. C..105. [判断题]‐29474 在薄板上钻孔时,要采用大月牙形圆弧钻头。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
病历摘要:患者,男,36岁,因发热1周来诊。患者素体虚弱,容易感冒,1周前到外地旅游多日后出现反复发热,体温波动在37.9~38.5℃,劳累后发热症状加重,伴有头晕乏力,食少便溏,查体见舌质淡,苔薄白,脉缓。 此时宜选用何方药加减治疗?()A. 参苏饮 B. 补中益气汤 C. 桂枝汤 D. 玉屏风散 E. 川芎茶调散 [判断题]渠堤表面裂缝,每条裂缝上均应布孔,孔位与导渗或观测设备之间应有不小于3m的距离。
A. 0.5m/s B. 5m/s C. 1m/s D. 5.5m/s [单选题]空中交通管理的内容主要包括
A.空中交通服务、空中交通流量管理和空域管理 B.空中交通管制服务、飞行情报服务和告警服务 C.空中交通管制服务、空中交通流量管理和空域管理 D.空中交通服务、飞行情报服务和空域管理 [单选题]BA012 由于( ),可以使饱和硫酸铜参比电极中的溶液变得不再饱和。
A.使用频繁 B.温度降低 C.温度改变 D.温度升高 [单选题]《教师法》规定的教师考核内容为“政治思想、业务水平、( )、工作成绩”几个方面。
A.工作态度 B.工作热情 C.工作效率 D.工作质量 [单选题]汽轮机轴封的作用是( )
A.防止缸内蒸汽向外泄漏 B.防止空气漏入凝结器内 C.防止高压蒸汽漏出,防止真空区漏入空气 [单项选择]已知(a-1)2+|b-3|=0,则a2+ab+b2的值为( )。
A. 12 B. 10 C. 14 D. 13 [单选题]接地线拆除后,()不得再登杆工作或在设备上工作。
A.工作班成员 B.任何人 C.运行人员 D.作业人员 我来回答: 提交