In the early clays of the United
States, postal charges were paid by the recipient and charges varied with the
distance carried. In 1825, the United States Congress permitted local
postmasters to give letters to mail carriers for home delivery, but these
carriers received no government salary and their entire compensation on what
they were paid by the recipients of individual letters. In 1847 the United States Post Office Department adopted the idea of a postage stamp, which of course simplified the payment for postal service but caused grumbling by those who did not like to prepay. Besides, the stamp covered only delivery to the post office and did not include carrying it to a private address. In Philadelphia, for example, with a population of 150000, people still had to go to the post office to get their mail. The confusion A. A salary. B. Housing. C. Transportation. D. Free postage stamps. [多选题]全面推进依法治国要着力建设一支()、()、()、()的社会主义法治工作队伍,为加快建设社会主义法治国家提供强有力的组织和人才保障。
A.A.忠于党 B.B.忠于国家 C.C.忠于人民 D.D.忠于法律 [单项选择]1623年,英国哲学家( )首次在科学分类中将教育学作为一门独立的学科划分出来。
A. 培根 B. 洛克 C. 康德 D. 柏拉图 [多选题]根据货物的超重程度,超重货物分为的等级有()。
A.一级超重 B.二级超重 C.三级超重 D.超级超重 [判断题]在专用无线系统中,常用的天线有室内全向天线、室外全向集群天线 、室外定向天线。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]A university student in Nairobi, Kenya, was stopped for a traffic violation the other day. The policeman took out his ticket book and asked, "What tribe are you " In Lusaka, Zambia, a young man applying for a job was told to see the manager. He leaned over the receptionist’s desk and asked, "What tribe is he " When the receptionist told him that the manager was a Mashona, the applicant replied, "Then I’ll never get the job."
This phenomenon is called tribalism. There are more than 2,000 tribes in black Africa. Each has its own language, customs, names, and physical characteristics that make its members almost immediately recognizable to a person from another tribe. To the Westerner, tribalism is one of the most difficult of African customs to understand. It makes many people think of savagery, warfare, or old fashioned customs. However, to most Africans, tribalism simply means very strong loyalty to one’s ethnic group. It is a force that can be both good and bad. By defin A. Three. B. Two. C. One. D. Four. [单选题]2.360. 原理图中,对有直接电联系的交叉导线连接点,用( )表示。
A.空心小圆点 B.实心小圆点 C.×符号 D.跨越线 [判断题]敞车内有人时,装载机司机应在指挥人员指挥下才能装车作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]造成儿童青少年营养不良的膳食原因是()
A. 碳水化合物供给不足 B. 蛋白质供给不足 C. 脂肪供给不足 D. 矿物质供给不足 E. 蛋白质和热能供给不足 [多项选择]分条分块法安装网架时,吊装有()两种方法。
A. 单机跨内吊装 B. 双机跨外抬吊 C. 桅杆抬吊 D. 汽车起重机抬吊 [单项选择]基于某种特定标准,来评价学生对与教学密切相关联的具体知识和技能掌握程度的评价是()。
A. 形成性评价 B. 总结性评价 C. 常模参照评价 D. 标准参照评价 [单选题]玻璃量器进行烘干时,温度不得超过( )℃,以免引起容积变化。
A.105 B.150 C.115 D.120 [多选题]大型检修项目应编制检修方案方案应包括()组织措施、安全措施、技术措施、物资采购保障措施、进度控制保障措施、检修验收工作要求、作业方案等各种专项方案。
A.编制依据 B.工作内容 C.检修任务 D.勘察记录 E./ F./ G./ H./ [单项选择]脐带先露或脱垂引起胎儿缺氧,以下哪种胎先露最严重()
A. 足先露 B. 单臀先露 C. 肩先露 D. 头先露 E. 全臀先露 [单选题]公安机关人民警察因侦查犯罪的需要,使用企事业组织或个人的交通工具,造成损失的,()。
A.由该人民警察所属机关给予赔偿 B.由该人民警察给予赔偿 C.由该人民警察所属机关给予赔偿后,向该人民警察追偿 D.由交通工具所有人承担 [单选题]一定责任:负有事故损失及不良影响( )的责任。
A.1 B.0.75 C.0.5 D.10%-20% [单选题]下列哪些要素不是路径的组成部分( )。
A.直线 B.曲线 C.锚点 D.象素 [判断题]所有机场的新建、改建或者扩建,应当符合国务院民用航空主管部门关于民用机场安全保卫设施建设的规定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者月经周期延后,量少,有血块,小腹胀痛,胸胁乳房胀痛,舌质正常,苔薄白,脉弦。最佳治法是
A.疏肝清热调经 B.平冲降逆调经 C.理气行滞调经 D.理气散寒调经 E.疏肝健脾调经 [单选题]特大安全事故发生后,按照国家有关规定组织调查组对事故进行调查。事故调查工作应当自事故发生之日起()日内完成,并由调查组提出调查报告;遇有特殊情况的,经调查组提出并报国家安全生产监督管理机构批准后,可以适当延长时间。
A.30 B.60 C.90 D.20 [判断题]钳工在使用砂轮机作业时,使用砂轮侧面对工件侧面进行磨削。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]增感率又可称为
A. 感度 B. 增感因数 C. 增感速度 D. 荧光转换效率 E. 荧光传递效率 [单选题]隧道限界的检查方法常用的是( )和摄影法。
A. 经纬仪法 B. 水准仪法 C. 横断面 D. 目视法 [多选题]年度综合计划调整主要包括以下事项:(____)。
A.中央新增各项重大决策部署。 B.公司新增各项重要任务安排。 C.事前已履行总部决策或签报程序的审核备案事项。 D.因自然灾害或突发不可抗力导致电网设备故障或安全隐患急需实施的项目。 [判断题]战术训练,是指将一个战术课题模拟实战背景而开展的多种情况、多种战法演练的训练。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]静态再生比动态再生效果好。()
[判断题] 对决定给予行政拘留处罚的人,在处罚前已经因同一违法行为被采取传唤措施的,传唤询问查证时间延长至24小时的,折抵行政拘留1日
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Enormous sums of money have been spent on space exploration.
A. Much B. Large C. Small D. Fixed [单选题] 机械在运转中,须小心谨慎,严禁( )。
A..超负荷作业 B..快跑 C..低速行驶 D..维修 我来回答: 提交