Very old people do raise moral problems
for almost everyone who comes into contact with them. Their values—this can’t be
repeated too often—are not necessarily our values. Physical comfort, cleanness
and order are not necessarily the most important things for the very old people.
The social services from time to time find themselves faced with a flat with
decaying food covered by small worms, and an old person lying alone on bed,
taking no notice of the worms. Is it interfering with A. medical care for old people should be left to the doctors B. old people enjoy a happy life only if they are rich C. the opinion that we should try every possible means to save old people is doubtful D. it is always morally right to treat old people and push off death [判断题]司机鸣笛标:在非限鸣区域,司机见此标志须长声鸣笛;在限鸣区域内,司机见此标志应开启灯显示警设备,除遇危及行车安全等情况外,限制鸣笛。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据全面深化改革、经济社会发展需要,以及上位法制定、修改、废止情况,及时清理有关行政法规、规章、规范性文件。自2015年起用( )年时间,对国务院文件进行全面清理,清理结果向社会公布。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.5 [单项选择]The 1982 Oil and Gas Act gives power to permit the disposal of assets held by the Corporation, and the Corporation’s statutory monopoly in the supply of gas for fuel purposes so as to permit private companies to compete in this supply()
A. defers B. curtails C. triggers D. sparks [单选题] 当一个应用程序窗口被最小化后,该应用程序将( )。
A. 被终止执行 B. 继续在前台执行 C. 被暂停执行 D. 被转入后台执行 [判断题]综合能效、多能服务、新能源(屋顶光伏)建设、智能运维宜使用现场作业工作卡。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]当一笔贷款被转让后,在资产负债表中应反映为( )。
A. 被完全剔除 B. 仍全部保留 C. 部分保留 D. 部分剔除 [填空题]光学中焦距为()。
A. Access数据库可以保存多种数据类型,包括多媒体数据 B. Access可以通过编写应用程序来操作数据库中的数据 C. Access可以支持Internet/Intranet应用 D. Access作为网状数据库模型支持客户机/服务器应用系统 [单选题]“后天之本”指的脏是()
A.肝 B.心 C.脾 D.肺 E.肾 [多选题]优质护理服务的目标包括( )
A.患者满意 B.社会满意 C.护士满意 D.政府满意 E.领导满意 [单项选择]Cirque du Soleil (say it: Serk du So-lay) is being accused of out-dated thinking about the dangers of AIDS. It is a modem acrobatic circus from Canada that tours in the United States and other countries.
Last April, the company fired Matthew Cusick because he was HIV positive. This was after he spent four months learning his part in an act. A spokesman for the circus said Cusick was fired for safety reasons. They said he was a danger to others. He disagreed. Hundreds of people picketed a show in San Francisco. They said that firing him was not legal. Cusick says the company knew he was HIV positive when they hired him. R was not fair to let him put so much time into learning his act, and then fire him before he performed. He says he is not a danger to others. People can only get AIDS if infected blood contacts another person’s blood, or open wound. The company says what their acrobats do is very, very dangerous. They perform tricks without nets. Someo A. regulations against job discrimination B. the safety of other performers and the audiences C. doing the right thing D. making a lot of money [单项选择]地球上天天都有地震发生,而且多到一天就要发生1万多次,其中能造成破坏的约有1000多次,一般情况下,几级以上才能感觉到,称为有感地震?
[单选题](单选题, 0.5 分)
头部外伤后,扪触到头皮下波动是: A.皮下血肿 B.帽状腱膜下血肿 C.骨膜下血肿皮 D.皮下积液 E.皮下积脓 [多选题]、进户线勘验的要点有()。
A. 进户线穿管 B. 进户线的具体位置 C. 进户线接头 D. 进户线安装时间 [判断题]工作地点,应停电的线路和设备包括工作地段内有可能反送电的各分支线(包括用户)。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]我国实行了事故行政责任追究法律制度。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]水驱动排烟机由( )组成。
A.风扇 B.水动马达 C.进、出水口 D.风扇罩 E.电动机 [单项选择]抗日战争时期,中国军队与日军展开了以下战斗:①台儿庄战役;②百团大战;③淞沪会战;④平型关战役。
上述历史事件出现的先后顺序是( )。 A. ④③①② B. ③①④② C. ④②③① D. ③④①② [判断题]煤炭开采、自行车、钟表等行业已进入衰退期。()
[单选题]( )的多台设备可以合并使用一张验收标准卡。
A.同一名称(或者同一厂家) B.同一类型(或者同一厂家) C.同一型号(或者同一厂家) D.同一名称(或者同一类型) [单选题]如果FMGC1故障,那么VOR1的频率可以:
A.由FMGC2直接调谐 B.B由FMGC2通过RMP1调谐 C.由FMGC2通过RMP2调谐 D.通过MCDUI人工调谐 我来回答: 提交