Differences of Policemen{{/B}} Real policemen hardly recognize any resemblance between their lives and what they see on TV. The first difference is that a policeman’s real life revolves round criminal law. He has to know exactly what actions are crimes and what evidence can be used to prove them in court. He has to know nearly as much law as a professional lawyer, and what is more, he has to apply it on his feet, in the dark and rain, running down a street after someone he wants to talk to. Little of his time is spent in chatting, he will spend most of his working life typing mil- lions of words on thousands of forms about hundreds of sad, unimportant people who are guilty of stupid, petty crimes. Most television crime drama is about finding the criminal: as soon as he’s arrested, the st A. Distressing. B. Dramatic C. Dangerous. D. Demanding. [单项选择]猩红热邪侵肺卫型,治法是( )
A. 清气凉营,泻火解毒 B. 疏风散热 C. 清热解毒 D. 清热解毒,利咽消肿 E. 辛凉宣透,清热利咽 [单项选择]腹痛的部位是
A. 剑突下至耻骨毛际以上 B. 脐以下至耻骨毛际以上 C. 胃脘以下至耻骨毛际以上 D. 上腹胃脘部心窝处 E. 脐周及两少腹部 [判断题]申请政府信息公开的申请人提交书面申请时应出示本人的有效身份 证明。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]“愿将腰下剑,直为斩楼兰"出自唐代诗人李白的____。出题:南开大学文学院
A.《燕歌行》 B.《凉州词》 C.《塞下曲》 D.《阳关曲》 [单选题]单极型半导体器件是()。
A.双极性二极管 B.二极管 C.场效应管 [单项选择]引起尿路感染的致病微生物以什么最为常见()
A. 细菌 B. 病毒 C. 支原体 D. 衣原体 [单选题]氧气呼吸器清洗呼吸器外表面达到干净无污染物。用海绵蘸( )擦洗所有零件外部及背带,然后擦干。
A.酒精 B.肥皂水 C.中性肥皂溶液 D.碱性肥皂溶液 [判断题]放线架应支撑在坚实的地面上,松软地面应采取加固措施。放线轴与导线伸展方向应平行。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交