选方() People have been passionate about roses
since the beginning of time. In fact, it is said that the floors of Cleopatral’s
palace were carpeted with delicate rose petals, and that the wise and knowing
Confucius had a 600-book library specifically on how to care for
roses. The rose is a legend on its own. The story goes that during the Roman Empire, there was an incredibly beautiful maiden named Rhodanthe. Her beauty drew many zealous suitors who pursued. her relentlessly. Exhausted by their pursuit, Rhodanthe was forced to take refuge from her suitors in the temple of her friend Diana. Unfortunately, Diana became jealous. And when the suitors broke down her temple gates to get near their beloved Rhodanthe, she became angry turning Rhodanthe into a rose and her suitors into thorns. In Greek legend, the rose was created A. Suitors were turned into thorns. B. Diana wanted to appreciate roses with thorns. C. Rhodanhe’s beauty aroused others’ jealousy. D. Suitors’ pursuit exhausted Rhodanhe. [单选题]23.严禁( )机车、车辆、以车代步,禁止从行驶中的机车、车辆上跳下。
A.登乘 B.扒乘 C.搭乘 D.乘坐 [单项选择]男性,8岁,发热、咳嗽、咳痰6d。查体:体温38.2℃,呼吸24/min,肺部听诊有少量湿啰音。痰液黏稠,不易咳出。对该患儿及家长进行健康指导下列不要的是()
A. 介绍本病的原因 B. 指导有效的咳嗽技巧 C. 解释超声雾化吸入的作用 D. 指导补充合理的营养、水分 E. 指导吸痰的方法 [单项选择]某医疗辅助生殖技术机构在没有通知某当事人的情况下,将其冷冻保存精子为一患者提供了人工授精技术,该机构违背了哪项伦理原则()
A. 有利于供受者的原则 B. 知情同意的原则 C. 社会公益原则 D. 保密原则 E. 保护后代的原则 [单项选择]最新的《中国居民膳食指南》是______年颁布的。
A. 1997 B. 1999 C. 2002 D. 2005 E. 2007 [判断题] 全国人民代表大会是行使国家立法权的唯一机关
对 错 A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交