Conventional wisdom has it that concern for the
environment is a luxury only the rich world can afford; that only people whose
basic needs for food and shelter have been met can start worrying about the
health of the planet. This survey will argue that developing countries, too,
should be thinking about the environment. True, in the rich countries a strong
environmental movement did not emerge until long after they had become
industrialized, a stage that many developing countries have yet to reach. And
true, many of the developed world’s environmental concerns have little to do
with immediate threats to its inhabitants’ well-being. People worry about
whether carbon-dioxide emissions might lead to a warmer climate next century, or
whether genetically engineered crops might have unforeseen consequences for the
ecosystem. That is why, w A. immediate climate change B. immediate economic damage C. more forests fires D. higher death rate [多项选择]以下对Adobe Premiere Pro A.5的监视器窗口描述正确地是:()
A. 缺省状态下,监视器窗口中有两个监视器,分别用来显示素材与作品在编辑时的情况:左边为素材视窗,显示和设置项目中的素材;右面为节目视窗,显示和设置序列 B. 在左边的素材监视器左上方的素材选择栏(SourcE)中,提供了已经调入内存的素材的列表,可以更加快速便捷地浏览素材的基本情况 C. 可以通过单击监视器窗口右上角的窗口设定控制按钮,在弹出的菜单里选择双窗口或单窗口显示方式 [判断题]持续改进是指生产经营单位应不断寻求方法持续改进自身职业安全健康管理体系及其职业安全健康绩效,从而不断消除、降低或控制各类职业安全健康危害和风险。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]有限空间作业现场施工设备应使用具有漏电保护装置的电源。手持照明设备电压应不大于()V。
A.12 B.24 C.36 D. E.略 F.略 [单选题]对于( )产生的放射性废液,应先放入( )
A.工作场所、处理设备 B.工作场所、任意设备 C.任意场所、处理设备 D.任意场所、任意设备 [单项选择]临时用电工程应定期检查,施工现场应( ),对不安全因素,必须及时处理。
A. 每周一次 B. 半个月一次 C. 每月一次 D. 一季度一次 [单选题]列检作业安全保证距离原则上应为()km左右。
A.500 B.1000 C.1500 D.2000 [简答题] Students who score high in achievement needs tend to make higher grades in college than those who score low. When degree aptitude for college work, as indicated by College Entrance Examination Board Tests, is held constant, engineering students who score high in achievement needs tend to make higher grades in college than the aptitude test scores would indicate.
We can define this need as the habitual desire to do useful work well. It is a salient influence characteristic of those who need little supervision. Their desire for accomplishment is a stronger motivation than any stimulation the supervisor can provide. Individuals who function in terms, of this drive do not "bluff" in regard to a job that they fail to do well.
Some employees have a strong drive for success in their work; others are satisfied when they make a living. Those who want to feel that they are successful have high aspiration for themselves. Thoughts concerning the achievement drive are often prominent
A. 振动和射线都在通过测线的铅垂平面内的 B. 在垂直于测线的铅垂面内水平振动的 C. 振动方向与波的传播方向平行的 D. 振动方向与波的传播方向垂直的 [判断题]在夏季根据施工及作业的工艺过程,尽可能调整劳动组织,采取勤倒班的方式,缩短一次连续作业时间,加强工作中的轮换休息。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]中继开放系统
[单选题]电流速断保护( )。
A.能保护线路全长 B.不能保护线路全长 C.有时能保护线路全长 D.能保护线路全长并延伸至下一段 [多选题]发现坏托辊,要闭锁皮带,使用( )将坏托辊取下,将新托辊安装好。
A.专用工具 B.撬棍 C.大钎 D.扳手 [简答题]应当如何建设统一开放、竞争有序的市场体系?
[填空题](31789)连杆螺栓折断的原因有连杆螺栓装配时( )过大或过小。(1.0分)
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