Directions: For each blank in the following passage, choose the best answer from the choices given below. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets. When television first began to expand, very few of the people who had become famous as radio commentators were able to be effective on television. Some of the difficulties they experienced when were trying to (31) themselves to the new medium were technical. when working on radio, for example, they had become (32) to seeing on behalf of the listener. This (33) of seeing for others means that the commentator has to be very good at talking. Above all, he has to be able to (34) a continuous sequence of visual images which (35) meaning to the sounds which the listene A. inspire B. create C. cause D. perceive [判断题]电子式电压互感器本体冒烟、着火,冒烟、着火:属于危急缺陷。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]CorelDRAWX4的菜单栏中的主菜单比CorelDRAWX3多一个( )菜单。
A. [工具] B. [表格] C. [视图] D. [帮助] [判断题]冬季对制动装置的检查,要看三通阀排气口及制动缸是否有水结冰。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]伤寒沙门菌Vi抗体的检查可用于()
A. 早期诊断 B. 判断预后 C. 调查带菌者 D. 检查免疫力 E. 观察超敏反应 [单选题]护轨应伸出桥台挡砟墙以外,然后弯曲交会于线路中心。弯轨部分沿线路中心线的长度不小于()。
A.2.0m B.3.0m C.1.5m D.1.9m [单选题]不同职业的具体职业责任是( )。
A.不同的 B.相同的 C.有些是相同的 D.没有界定 [单项选择]病原菌不明的化脓性脑膜炎治疗应首选()。
A. 磺胺嘧啶 B. 大剂量青霉素 C. 红霉素 D. 庆大霉素+红霉素 E. 青霉素+氯霉素 [单选题]关于多轴飞行器定义描述正确的是( )
A.具有两个及以上旋翼轴的旋翼航空器 B.具有不少于三个旋翼轴的无人机旋翼航空器 C.具有三个及以上旋翼轴的旋翼航空器 [单项选择]提高显微镜的分辨率,以下措施不正确的是()
A. 使用短波长光源 B. 增大孔径角 C. 缩小孔径角 D. 增加明暗反差 E. 提高数值孔径值 [判断题]肺腺癌的痰脱落细胞学检查阳性率最高。
[判断题](249) KHS称为硫氢化钾。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
新文化运动为五四运动的发生进行了思想动员。这是因为新文化活动()。 A. ①和③ B. ②和④ C. ①和④ D. ②和③ 我来回答: 提交