The Vikings have left many traces of
their settlement which are still visible today. Archaeology provides physical
evidence of their conquests, settlement and daily life. The study of place names
and language shows the lasting effect which the Viking settlements had in the
British Isles, and DNA analysis provides some insights into the effect the
Vikings had on the genetic stock of the countries where they settled. All of
this provides valuable information, but the only reason that we have an idea of
the "Vikings" as a people is their appearance in the written sources. Unfortunately, the value of the written evidence is limited. Not a lot of evidence survives, and much of what we have is either uninformative or unreliable. Many popular ideas about Vikings are nineteenth-century inventions. Others are the result of early histori A. warriors B. pirates C. traders D. colonists [多选题]造成分段绝缘器损坏的原因( )。
A.部件、零件腐蚀或磨损失修被拉断。 B.固定螺栓松动被拉坏 C.接地刀闸闭合情况下强行闭合主刀闸,短路电流将分段绝缘器烧毁 D.主绝缘裂纹、破损、烧伤、磨损严重、老化等造成机械强度不够被拉断 E.绝缘强度、泄露距离不够闪络击穿 [单项选择]使用钻床、车床等转动机械时()戴手套。
A. 禁止 B. 可以 C. 允许 D. 严禁 [单项选择]下列关于癌基因的说法正确的是
A. 癌基因只存在于病毒中 B. 带有癌基因一定患癌 C. 癌基因指一段具有将正常细胞转换为肿瘤的核酸片段 D. 在正常细胞中,原癌基因是由癌基因变化而来 E. 以上说法都不对 [单项选择]He speaks ______ English and German.
A. any B. either C. neither D. both [多项选择]有关化学烧伤下列说法正确的是()
A. 化学物质不同,局部损害方式也不同 B. 烧伤严重程度主要取决于化学物质的性质 C. 防治中毒需静脉补液及增加尿量 D. 碱烧伤主要是凝固皮肤组织蛋白,形成一层痂壳 E. 酸烧伤创面界限明显,但一般较碱烧伤深 [判断题]伸缩机构由伸缩油缸、平衡阀、板式链、链轮等组成。(易)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]上饶银行客户统一授信管理暂行办法(2021年修订版)中,对于( )(不含)以下统一授信方案由分支行按照本办法规定自主审批
A. 500 B. 1000 C. 3000 D. 5000 [单选题]装有列尾装置的列车出发前、进站前、进入长大下坡道前和停车站出站后,应使用列尾装置对( )的压力变化情况进行检查。
A.制动主管 B.均衡风缸 C.总风缸 [单选题]对于符合《关于当前形势下化解信用风险支持实体经济的意见》有关要求规定的客户办理再融资业务时,C3中应将贷款用途分类选择为
A.新增信用 B.还旧借新 C.债务重组 D.借新还旧 我来回答: 提交