Intellectual property rights are the rights given to
persons over the creations of their minds. They usually give the creator an
exclusive fight over the use of his/her creation for a certain period of time.
Intellectual property rights are customarily divided into two main
areas: Copyright and rights related to copyright. The rights of authors literary and artistic works (such as books and other writings, musical compositions, paintings, sculpture, computer programs and films) are protected by copyright, for a minimum period of 50 years after the death of the author. Also protected through copyright and related ( sometimes referred to as "neighboring" ) rights are the rights of performers ( e.g. actors, singers, and musicians ), producers of phonograms (sound recordings ) and broadcasting organizations. The main social purpo A. the definition and classification of intellectual property fights B. the difference between copyrights and industrial property C. the reasons for protecting intellectual property rights D. the social objectives of intellectual property rights [单项选择]葡萄糖的含量测定用旋光法C=α× 1.042 6,1.042 6为换算系数,包括了
A. 比旋光度的换算 B. 无水糖,含水糖分子量的转换 C. 旋光度定时光路长度 D. A+C E. A+B+C [单选题]运用摩尔斯电码求救时,国际性高山求救信号是一分钟发出6次哨音(或某物挥舞6次,或火光闪耀6次等),然后安静( ),再重复。
A.半分钟 B.一分钟 C.三分钟 D.五分钟 [单项选择]手术前常规禁食的目的是()
A. 避免胃膨胀而妨碍手术 B. 防止围手术期的呕吐和误吸 C. 防止术后膨胀 D. 防止术后肠麻痹 E. 防止术后便秘 [多选题]起重机司机在( ) 情况时应发出"注意”的音响信号。
A.司机发现自己不能完全控制设备时 B.司机预感到起重机在运行过程中会发生事故 C.司机感到所吊运的负载对地面的人员安全有威胁 D.司机知道起重机有与其他设备或障碍物碰撞的可能 [多选题]请点作业安全规定有哪些( )
A.自动化专业人员在作业过程中穿戴好劳动保护用品 B.根据施工作业量,确定提交的作业时间,严禁超时间作业 C.充分利用施工作业点的利用率 D.凡是影响行车或较大安全隐患的作业点由施工负责人组织施工,现场安排专人做好防护工作 E.施工前,施工负责人凭施工通告和施工 负责人证,在规定的时间由车控室批准请点后,方可进行作业 [多选题]某施工项目有甲乙两个对比工艺方案,均不需要增加投资,采用甲方案需年固定费用120万元,单位产量可变费用为450元;采用乙方案需年固定费用100万元,单位产量可变费用为500元。下列关于该对比方案决策的说法,正确的有( )。
A.两方案年成本相等时的临界点产量为4000单位 B.年产量为5000单位时,应选择乙方案 C.年产量为3000单位时,应选择甲方案 D.两个方案总成本相等时,甲方案的单位产量固定成本大于乙方案 E.应该选择甲方案,因为其单位产量可变费用低 我来回答: 提交