I watched as Dr. Ian Stead, the
archaeologist in charge of the excavation, began carefully removing the peat
with a clay modelling tool. X-rays taken through the box while it was at the
hospital revealed ribs, backbone, arm bones and a skull (apparently with
fractures). However, the bones showed up only faintly because acid in the peat
had removed minerals from them. Using the X-rays, Stead started on what he thought might be a leg. By his side was Professor Frank Oldfield, of Liverpool University, an expert on peat who could identify vegetation from stems only a fraction of an inch long. "Similar bodies found in bogs in Denmark show signs of a violent death," Stead said. "It is essential for us to be able to distinguish between the plant fibres in peat and clothing or a piece of rope which might have been used to hang him." As Stead continued A. (A) He had closely-cropped hair. B. (B) His coat was fur-lined. C. (C) He had a drooping moustache and shaven chin. D. (D) His fingernails were well looked after. [多项选择]红斑肢痛症的临床特点为()
A. 小剂量阿司匹林能减轻疼痛症状 B. 剧烈烧灼痛 C. 无运动、反射及感觉障碍 D. 肾上腺皮质激素短期冲击治疗也可能控制症状 E. 双足常见 [单项选择]检验批的质量验收记录表由施工项目专业质量检查员填写,( )组织项目专业质量检查员等进行验收。
A. 总监理工程师 B. 专业监理工程师 C. 监理工程师 D. 专业工程师 [判断题]商业汇票由银行签发并承兑,银行承诺商业汇票到期日支付汇票金额。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]银行机构应完善营业场所管理制度,落实( )对营业场所、营业秩序的管理职责
A.大堂经理 B.安保部门 C.网点负责人 D.分管安保工作的副行长 [简答题]使用单梯工作时,梯与地面的斜角度约为( )。
胡先生,56岁,便血及肛门下坠感已1年,近2个月发现大便呈扁平状,表面带有脓血,去医院检查指诊发现直肠中段有约2×2cm大小的肿物,质硬,边缘不清。 如已确诊为直肠癌,并采用结肠造瘘的手术方法,术后二天内应特别注意()A. 维护造瘘口皮肤清洁 B. 观察引流物的颜色,量,性质 C. 观察造瘘口处血运情况 D. 血象变化 E. 生命体征变化 [简答题]班组经济核算的基本原则和注意事项是什么?
[单选题]在会计核算软件中,若凭证类型分为收、付、转三种,则输入凭证字为"付"这类凭证时可接受( )。
A.借方科目为"现金、银行存款"的分录 B.贷方科目为"现金、银行存款"的分录 C.借、贷方科目为"现金、银行存款"的分录 D.借、贷方科目为非"现金、银行存款"的分录 我来回答: 提交