Prior to the 20th century, many
languages with small numbers of speakers survived for centuries. The
increasingly interconnected modern world makes it much more difficult for small
language communities to live in relative isolation, a key factor in language
maintenance and preservation. It remains to be seen whether the world can maintain its linguistic and cultural diversity in the centuries ahead. Many powerful forces appear to work against it: population growth, which pushes migrant populations into the world’s last isolated locations; mass tourism; global telecommunications and mass media; and the spread of gigantic global corporations. All of these forces appear to signify a future in which the language of advertising, popular culture, and consumer products become similar. Already English and a few other major tongues have emerged as global A. uncertain B. unrealistic C. foreseeable D. definite [填空题]我公司使用的沈阳东北高压开关有限公司生产的35kV六氟化硫开关,在冬季低温环境下运行,需要对气体进行加热,气体加热回路的工作状态通过信号灯和电流表进行监视。信号灯可以监视( )是否导通,电流表可以监视( )是否工作。
[多选题]关于重新印发《南昌铁路局恶劣天气下客运组织应急预案》的通知(南铁客[2017]10号),遇有恶劣天气时,各车厢乘务员( )。
A.必须坚守岗位 B.加强重点部位的巡视和防护 C.及时清理连接处、车梯的雨、雪 D.避免因湿滑和结冰等情况使旅客和乘务员滑到,防止旅客伤害事故的发生 [多项选择]典型的网络应用系统由哪些部分组成()
A. Web服务器 B. 数据库服务器 C. 内部网用户 D. 因特网用户 E. 防火墙 [单项选择]Raising one's open hand with palm down to one's throat means" ______" in English culture.
A.带电导线 B.带电设备 C.变压器、油断路器(开关) D.施工车辆 [填空题]断路器的失灵保护的动作时间应大于故障线路断路器的跳闸时间及()时间之和。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下关于BT说法错误的是()。
A. BT的实际业主为投资方,对项目拥有所有权和处分权,担任工程总承包角色和融资、建设管理等多重角色 B. BT的最终业主为项目发起人,不直接参与到项目建设的管理过程中,对项目的投资无权监管 C. BT模式可以有效缓解仅仅依靠政府财政收入来建设的公用事业项目和城市基础设施项目的资金供给不足 D. BT项目的运作过程中,编制招标文件、评标标准属于招标与合同签订阶段 [判断题]煤电钻的电源是220V。
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