Well, he made it up. All of it, apparently.
According to a report published on December 29th by Seoul National University in
South Korea, its erstwhile employee Hwang Woo-suk, who had tendered his
resignation six days earlier, deliberately falsified his data in the paper on
human embryonic stem cells that he and 24 colleagues published in Science in May
2005. In particular, Dr Hwang claimed he had created 11 colonies of human embryonic stem ceils genetically matched to specific patients. He had already admitted that nine of these were bogus, but had said that this was the result of an honest mistake, and that the other two were still the real McCoy. A panel of experts appointed by the university to investigate the matter, however, disagreed. They found that DNA fingerprint traces conducted on the stem-cell lines reported in the A. great expectations B. planting into any tissue or organ C. the treatment of a lot of human diseases D. curing diabetes and Parkinson’s disease [单选题]道岔表示器夜间为()灯光——表示道岔位置开通直向。
A.A.白色 B.B.黄色 C.C.蓝色 D.D.紫色 [单选题]火灾自动报警系统的专用导线或电缆应采用( )型屏蔽电缆。
A.阻燃 B.阻水 C.复合 D.抗干扰 [单项选择]瓦楞纸板紧度的单位为()。
A. g/cm2 B. g/m2 C. g/cm3 D. g/m3 [单项选择]能诱发癫痫的药物是
A. 氯丙嗪 B. 氯氮平 C. 氟哌啶醇 D. 利培酮 E. 珠氯噻醇 [多选题]车站除负责其所辖范围内拾遗物品的登记工作外,还需负责哪些工作?( )
A.A、收集 B.B、保管 C.C、招领 D.D、上交 [单选题]所属知识 : -> 电工技师理论知识 -> 专业知识 -> 使用仪器 -> 直流电阻缩短测量时间的方法
变压器绕组的电抗是被测绕组的( )组成的复杂电路。 A. 电感和电容 B. 电感和电阻 C. 电阻和电容 D. 电阻和电流 我来回答: 提交