The business of advertising is to
invent methods of addressing massive audiences in an effective way. The language
used in an ad should be easily accessible and immediately{{U}} (26)
{{/U}}. No advertising agency wants to put{{U}} (27) {{/U}}an ad
that is neither clear nor convincing. But these agencies disagree when it{{U}}
(28) {{/U}}to the most effective methods of doing so.{{U}} (29)
{{/U}}the years, advertising firms have developed a variety of distinctive
styles{{U}} (30) {{/U}}on their understanding of the different kinds of
audiences they want to{{U}} (31) {{/U}}. No two agencies would handle
the same product{{U}} (33) {{/U}}. For the advertisers, advertising
is{{U}} (32) {{/U}}more than a sophisticated sales pitch, an attractive
verbal and{{U}} (34) {{/U}}device to serve manufacturers. In{{U}}
(35) {{/U}}, ads often{{ A. many B. no C. much D. less [单选题]下列热处理,不属于普通热处理的是( )。
A. 正火 B. 淬火 C. 渗碳 D. 回火 [单选题]稳态进动快速成像序列中的稳态是指
A.纵向和横向磁化矢量达到稳态 B.横向磁化矢量达到稳态 C.纵向磁化矢量达到稳态 D.图像的对比度达到稳态 E.图像的信噪比达到稳态 [判断题]销货方申请办理订单融资须落实合法、足值、有效的担保,并追加以订单项下的预期销货款为我行设定质押。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]叉车作业期间,操作人员不得吸烟、闲谈、讲对讲机。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]他喜欢一边做作业,一边听音乐。
A. 基准点应远离变形区 B. 测点应离开变形体 C. 监测仪器应定期检校 D. 监测周期应相对固定 [多选题]炸药爆炸后通常可产生( ),等有毒气体,有时还可能产生H2S和SO2。这些气体对人体十分有害,吸入较多的炮烟,可能会引起中毒。
A.CO B.C02 C.N0 D.N02 [多选题](1分) 《中华人民共和国特种设备安全法》规定:特种设备生产、经营、使用单位应当按照国家有关规定配备特种设备()人员,并对其进行必要的安全教育和技能培训。
A.销售人员 B.安全管理人员 C.检测人员 D.作业人员 [判断题]当列车驶入调车进路后,因中途折返而使该进路的部分区段不能解锁时,在检查列车确已根据开放的折返信号机驶入该信号机的内方,且出清全部未解锁的区段后,该部分区段自动解锁。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交