It’s Saturday night. Accountants and bank tellers are at school learning a new business skill.
"Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey," they chant together, pulling their mouths into a grin at the end of each word.
They’re practising smiling. Instructors say it’s the hardest part of the curriculum at Korean Air Service Academy, a school that aims to make South Korean business more globally competitive by teaching "international manners."
"South Koreans have difficulty in smiling," said Y. D. Lee, the academy’s general manager. "Our ancestors had the philosophy that the serious person — stern or strict — is better than the smiling one. That’s why our students are chanting."
The academy not only teaches service with a smile, but also proper greetings, Korean bowing, posture, the importance of a polite refusal and so on.
And it’s not just for business.
A. teach business management
B. compete with the Korean Air Service Academy
C. train people in accounting
D. reduce the prices
{{B}}A Health Profile
(概貌){{/B}} A health profile is, a portrait of all of the factors that influence your health. To draw your health pro- file, you will{{U}} (51) {{/U}}what diseases run in your family, what health hazards you may be exposed to {{U}} (52) {{/U}}work, how your daily{{U}} (53) {{/U}}compares to the recommended standards, how much time per week you{{U}} (54) {{/U}}exercising and what type of exercise you engage{{U}} (55) {{/U}}, how stressful your work and family environments are, what kinds of illnesses you get regularly, and{{U}} (56) {{/U}}or not you have any one Of a number of. addictions.{{U}} (57) {{/U}}this portrait, you should have a checkup to determine how your blood, heart, and lungs are functioning. This checku A. as B. for C. on D. about [单选题]10千伏电流互感器在大修后进行交流耐压试验,应选耐压试验标准为( )千伏。
A.38 B.4 C.6 D.3 [判断题]同杆(塔)架设多回线路中部分线路停电的工作,工作负责人在接受许可开始工作的命令前,应与工作许可人核对停电线路名称无误后,方可宣布开始工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]慢性浅表性胃炎的主要病变特点包括()。
A. 淋巴细胞、浆细胞浸润胃黏膜浅层 B. 胃黏膜变薄 C. 可见黏膜下血管 D. 胃黏膜水肿 E. 胃黏膜糜烂 [单项选择]如果用眼睛注视一朵绿花,约一分钟,然后将视线转向身边的白墙,那么在白墙上将看到一朵红花,这种现象是()。
A. 正后像 B. 负后像 C. 视觉适应 D. 感觉对比 [单选题]103型、104型分配阀在充气缓解位时,滑阀室与( )相通。
A.制动缸 B.副风缸 C.容积室 D.工作风缸 [多选题]下面说法正确的是( )。
A.配电站户外高压设备部分停电进行营销现场作业,应在工作地点四周装设围栏,其出入口要围至邻近道路旁边,并设有“从此进入!”和“在此工作”标示牌。 B.工作地点四周围栏上悬挂适当数量的“止步,高压危险!”标示牌,标示牌应朝向围栏里面。 C.若配电站户外高压设备大部分停电,只有个别地点保留有带电设备而其他设备无触及带电导体的可能时,可以在带电设备四周装设全封闭围栏,围栏上悬挂适当数量的“止步,高压危险!”标示牌,标示牌应朝向围栏里面。 D.高压开关柜内手车开关拉出后,隔离带电部位的挡板应可靠封闭,禁止开启,并设置“在此工作”标示牌。 [单项选择]下列药物中毒时瞳孔缩小的是()
A. 异丙嗪 B. 樟脑 C. 苯 D. 毛果芸香碱 E. 乌头碱 [简答题]
After millennia of growth which was so slow that each generation hardly noticed it, the cities are suddenly racing off in every direction. The world population goes up by two percent a year, city population goes up by four percent a year, but in big cities the rate may be as much as five and six percent a year. (61) To give only one example of almost visible acceleration. Athens today grows by three dwellings and 100 square meters of road every hour. There is no reason to believe that this pace will slacken. (62) As technology gradually swallows up all forms of work, industrial and agricultural, the rural areas are going to shrink, just as they have shrunk in Britain, and the vast majority of their people will move into the city. In fact, in Britain now only about four or five percent of people live in rural areas and depend upon them; all through the developing world the vanguard of the rural exodus has reached the urban fringes already, and there they huddle in sh [多选题]在建筑施工中可能发生苯中毒的工种有( )。
A.油漆工 B.砖工 C.塔吊工 D.喷漆工 E.沥青工 [单选题]110kV线路电压等级一般线路,紧线弧垂在挂线后,弧垂允许偏差为( )。(GB 50233—2014《110kV~750kV架空输电线路施工及验收规范》8.5.6)
A.+3%、-2.5% B.±2.5%, C.+5%、-3% D.+5%、-2.5% [多选题]利用本务机车进行调车作业时,可由()担任指挥工作。
A.站长 B.车站值班员 C.助理值班员 D.客运人员 我来回答: 提交