Yesterday was Jim’s birthday. He got
many presents from his friends and family. All the gifts were wrapped in colored
paper. Some of the packages were large while others were very small. Some were
heavy, and others were light. There was one blue package which had a book in it.
Another one was long and narrow—it had an umbrella in it. Jim’s sister gave him
a big, round package. He thought it was a ball, but it was not. When he removed
the yellow paper that covered it, he saw that it was a globe of the
world. After that, his brother gave him another present. It was a big box wrapped in green paper. Jim opened it and found another box covered with red paper. He removed the paper and saw a third box, this one was blue in color. Everyone laughed as Jim opened the boxes. There were six of them! In the last one he found a small white envelope. There A. an umbrella B. a globe of the world C. a computer D. a small white envelope [单项选择]The number of women directors appointed to corporate boards in the United States has increased dramatically, but the ratio of female to male directors remains low. Although pressure to recruit women directors, unfike that to employ women in the general work force, does not derive from legislation, it is nevertheless real. Although small companies were the first to have women directors, large corporations currently have a higher percentage of women on their boards. When the chairs of these large corporations began recruiting women to serve on boards, they initially sought women who were chief executive officers (CEOs) of large corporations. However, such women CEOs are still rare. In addition, the ideal of six CEOs (female or male) serving on the board of each of the largest corporations is realizable only if every CEO serves on six boards. This raises the specter of director over commitment and the resultant dilution of contribution. Consequently, the chairs next sought women in busine
A. The comparison between the abilities of men and women directors. B. The difficulty of recruiting women directors in the business. C. The solutions to increasing the number of women directors. D. The advantages of recruiting women directors from outside the business world. [简答题]简述每日需维护的项目包括哪些
[多选题]:集团性客户从产权组织形式上可分为( )。
A.母子制 B.总分制 C.混合制 D.联邦制 [单项选择]下列逻辑信道中属于业务信道的是()
A. BCCH B. DTCH C. PCCH D. DCCH [单选题]无缝线路地段,工区常备夹板不少于( ),钢轨不良时可适当增加。
A.2块 B.3块 C.4块 D.5块 [单选题]DS6-11在计算机联锁系统,联锁备机或故障机修复后再开机时,在系统同步的前提下,自动进入热备状态,时间不大于()。
A.15s B.30s C.60s D.90s [单项选择]网络电商在商品选择方面提供的丰富性和方便性,远胜于沃尔玛等巨型实体商城。但以单独一家电商的规模与沃尔玛竞争,如同蚂蚁对大象;若数以百万计的蚂蚁聚合起来,未必不能与大象抗衡。这一推论体现的哲理是()
A. 量变积累到一定程度可以引起质变 B. 矛盾的共性寓于个性之中 C. 原因和结果在一定条件下可以相互转化 D. 绝对的运动中包含着相对的静止 [单项选择]阑尾炎经何种途径引起右侧输卵管炎?()
A. 经淋巴系统蔓延 B. 经血液循环传播 C. 直接蔓延 D. 沿生殖器黏膜上行蔓延 E. 以上都不是 [单选题]PTI天线的作用是将列车车次、目的地码、司机代码发送给轨旁PTI环线,再由PTI环线向()报告列车的位置信息。
A.ATS系统 B.ATP系统 C.ATC系统 D.ATO系统 [判断题]试验负责人应由有经验的人员担任,开始试验前,试验负责人应向全体试验人员详细布置试验中的安全注意事项,交待邻近间隔的带电部位,以及其他安全注意事项。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述开窑启动顺序。
[填空题]( )是对设备进行最后一次检查调整,其结果直接决定着设备安装精度的高低。
[多项选择]余艺死后,其法定继承人为( )。
A. 余海、余涛、余萍 B. 余涛、余萍、余明 C. 余涛、余萍、胡某、余明 D. 余涛、余萍 [判断题]大、中型活塞式压缩机的型号表示方法中,第一位的阿拉伯数字表示的是气缸数量。()
[单选题]深刻理解和准确把握全面深化改革的总目标是( )。
A. 解放和发展生产力 B. 完善发展中国特色社会主义制度,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化 C. 不断调整生产关系以适应生产力的发展 D. 推进国家治理能力建设 [单项选择]施工阶段按工程质量形成过程的时间可分为( )。
A. 资源投入、生产过程、最终验收 B. 分项工程、分部工程、单位工程 C. 施工单位、监理单位、质监站 D. 事前、事中、事后 [单项选择]口腔念珠菌病治病菌中最主要、毒力最强的念珠菌为
A. 高里念珠菌 B. 白色念珠菌 C. 近平滑念珠菌 D. 热带念珠菌 E. 假热带念珠菌 [单项选择]在一定程度上决定了人们对企业生产能达到的水平的期望,是企业在搞基本建设时努力的目标是( )。
A. 应变生产能力 B. 设计生产能力 C. 计划生产能力 D. 查定生产能力 [单项选择]下列商品中,()的价格弹性最小。
A. 摄象机 B. 汽车 C. 游艇 D. 食盐 [多选题]青岛地铁11号线每节车厢安装2台摄像机,用于监控客室内人员流动的情况,监视效果可达到()乘客紧急对讲装置和贯通道的区域有效全覆盖
A.A.车厢 B.B.客室车门 C.C.车门紧急解锁装置 D.D.车门切除装置 [判断题]网上银行单位定期及通知存款的业务范围包括采用牌告利率计价的人民币单位定期存款、通知存款,及有约定存期的单位保证金存款,支持利率议价。()
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