The automobile has many advantages.
Above all, it offers people freedom to go wherever and whenever they want to go.
The basic purpose of a motor vehicle is to get from point A to point B as
cheaply, quickly, and safely as possible. However, to most people, cars are also
personal fantasy machines that serve as symbols of power, success, speed,
excitement, and adventure. In addition, much of the world’s economy is built on producing motor vehicles and supplying roads, services, and repairs for those vehicles. Half of the world’s paychecks are auto related. In the United States, one of every six dollars spent and one of every six non-farm jobs are connected to the automobile or related industries, such as oil, steel, rubber, plastics, automobile services, and highway construction. In spite of their advantages, motor v A. are an important part of the world’s economy B. are becoming less dangerous C. will produce less air pollution in the future D. are killing more people in recent years than in the past [判断题]高速铁路,是指行细确定的适用区段。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列指标中,目前临床诊断甲型病毒性肝炎采用
A. HAV-RN B. HAV-IgM C. HAV-IgG D. HAV组织培养分离病毒 E. 狨猴接种分离病毒 [单选题] 下列对个人资产负债表的理解错误的一项是()。
A.资产负债表的记账法遵循会计恒等式:“资产=负债+所有者权益” B.资产负债表可以反映客户的动态财务特征 C.资产和负债的结构是报表分析的重点 D.当负债高于所有者权益时,个人有可能出现财务危机的风险 [单选题]在电力设备上工作,应遵守工作票制度,说法错误的是( )
A.填用停电作业工作票 B.填用带电作业工作标票 C.临时口头传唤作业票 D.填用倒闸作业票 E.略 F.略 [单选题]外来施工队伍到变电站必须先由工作负责人办理工作票,其他人员应();工作许可后,外来施工队伍应在工作负责人带领和监护下到施工区域开展工作。
A.在非设备区等待 B.不得进入主控室 C.在非设备区等待,不得进入主控室及设备场区 D.设备区 [简答题]
(二) 某施工单位承担一台大型压缩机和一台配套的燃气轮机的吊装任务,压缩机单重为82t,燃气轮机单重为37.41t,整体到货。在施工现场可提供200t、170t的大型汽车式起重机各一台。200t、170t汽车式起重机吊索具重量均为2t。由于现场条件限制,两台起重机的最佳使用工况见下表。 两台起重机的使用情况