One winter morning, my husband got up
early to ride his bike to his job. When my husband arrived at {{U}} (67)
{{/U}} , he parked his bike outside the back doors {{U}} (68) {{/U}}
he usually does. After putting in 10 {{U}} (69) {{/U}} hours of labour,
he returned to find his bike was gone -- stolen. I was so upset that someone would steal our only {{U}} (70) {{/U}} of transportation that I wrote to the {{U}} (71) {{/U}} newspaper and told them our story. They ran an article, and shortly {{U}} (72) {{/U}}, several people in our community {{U}} (73) {{/U}} to replace the bike. One wonderful stranger {{U}} (74) {{/U}} went out and bought a bike, then called my husband to come pick it {{U}} (75) {{/U}}. Once again my husband has a way to get to and from his jobs. It really is an {{U}} (76) {{/U}} that a complete stranger would g A. the work B. the job C. work D. job [多选题]通信网现代化的三大标志是( )。
A.自动化 B.程序化 C.数字化 D. 网络管理 [单项选择]含有金属元素的维生素是()
A. 维生素B1 B. 维生素B2 C. 维生素B6 D. 维生素B12 E. 叶酸 [多项选择]地面、墙壁、家具消毒可用下列哪些溶液擦拭()
A. 1%~3%含氯石灰溶液 B. 0.2~0.5%过氧乙酸溶液 C. 1000mg/L~2000mg/L含氯消毒剂 D. 0.2%氯己定溶液 E. 0.5%氯胺T溶液 [单项选择]以下是阴道清洁度评定的项目,但除外
A. 白细胞 B. 红细胞 C. 上皮细胞 D. 杆菌 E. 球菌 [单选题]单相半波可控整流电路,在感性负载的情况下,若一个周期内流过晶闸管的平均电流等于流过续流二极管的电流时,晶闸管的导通角应为( )。
A.180° B.120° C.90° D.60° [单选题]以下说法正确的是( )。
A.民用航空安全保卫人员如有故意犯罪记录,则不能通过背景调查 B.民用航空安全保卫人员如其父母有故意犯罪记录,则本人不能通过背景调查 C.民用航空安全保卫人员如其配偶有故意犯罪记录,则本人不能通过背景调查 D.民用航空安全保卫人员如其兄妹有故意犯罪记录,则本人不能通过背景调查 [判断题]出站、发车进路信号机须设引导信号。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交