{{B}}The Barbie Dolls{{/B}} In the mid 1940’s, the young ambitious duo Ruth and Elliot Handler, owned a company that made wooden pictures frames. It was in 1945 that Ruth and Elliot Handler joined with their close friend Harold Mattson to form a company that would be known for the most famous and successful doll ever created. This company would be named MATTEL, MATT for Mattson, and EL for Elliot. In the mid 1950’s, while Visiting Switzerland, Ruth Handler purchased a German Lilli doll. Lilli was a shapely, pretty fashion doll first made in 1955. She was originally fashioned after a famous cartoon character in the West German Newsletter, Build. Lilli is the doll that would inspire Ruth Handler to design the Barbie doll. Wi A. Mattson. B. Elliot. C. Harold Mattson and Elliot Handler. D. Harold Mattson, Ruth and Elliot Handler. [判断题]犯罪现场保护也包括对民警自身安全的保护 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]Please list four ways to find out the guest’s name.
A. 经评审的最低评标价法; B. 综合评标法; C. 最低价得分法; D. 基准价得分法。 [单选题]患者女,46岁。确诊为子宫肌瘸,患者平时月经周期规律,经量中等,经期3~4日,行子宫次全切除术,术后健康教育内容不正确的是
A.告知患者术后不会有月经 B.术后3个月内勿久坐 C.术后避免练瑜伽 D.出院1个月后复查 E.术后随访观察血HCG的变化 [判断题]沃家固话是联通“1+4+X”智慧家庭业务战略的4项核心应用的重要组成部分。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]你知道童话大师达尔的五部以上代表作吗?
[填空题]在操作系统中,被称作轻型进程的是 【9】 。
[单选题]以下不属于高层建筑的灭火战术措施是( )。
A.内外结合 B.内攻近战 C.逐层消灭 D.分割围歼 [单项选择]Without the worker's help, Sam ______ so much progress.
A. would not make B. would not have made C. will not make D. did not make [判断题]清洁消毒前后的食品生产设备和工器具应分开放置妥善保管。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]CRH380B动车组,( )由网关连接并进行协议转换。
A.中央单元 B.终端单元 C.列车总线 D.车辆总线 [单选题] 十进制数字12用二进制代表时为( )。
A.1110 B.1000 C.1100 D.1001 [单项选择]在物资供应进度控制的工作中,监理工程师应负责编制()。
A. 施工单位的物资供应计划 B. 采购供应部门的物资供应计划 C. 建设单位的物资供应计划 D. 现场劳动力、材料和施工机械计划 [名词解释]黄斑
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