Laziness is a sin, everyone knows that.
We have probably all had lectures pointing out that laziness is immoral, that it
is wasteful, and that lazy people will never amount to anything in life. But
laziness can be more harmful than that, and it is often caused by more complex
reasons than simple wish to avoid work. Some people who appear to be lazy are
suffering from much more serious problems. They may be so distrustful of their
fellow workers that they are unable to join in any group task for fear of
ridicule or fear of having their ideas stolen. These people who seem lazy may be
paralyzed by a fear of failure that prevents fruitful work. Or other sorts of
fantasies may prevent work; some people are so busy planning, sometimes planning
great deals or fantastic achievements that they are unable to deal with whatever
"lesser" work is on A. The word laziness is sometimes applied incorrectly. B. Most of the time laziness is a virtue. C. Most assembly line workers are lazy. D. Most insecure people are lazy. [单选题]半面向右(左)转,按照向右(左)转的要领转( )。
A.60度 B.45度 C.30度 D.50度 [多选题]无烟草专卖批发企业许可证下列那些行为属于无证批发( )。
A.张某一次性销售单一品种卷烟45条 B.王某一次性销售卷烟40条、雪茄20条 C.李某一天内向同一人累计销售100条卷烟 D.贾某一次性销售卷烟50条 [简答题]
某大型国有企业原有的工资制度概括如下:(现象:迟到早退误工现象管理技术人员流失) [单项选择]男性,32岁,今日中午突然呕血150ml,继而排黑便2次,共约400ml。查体:剑突下轻压痛,肝脾未触及。上消化道出血的原因可能为()
A. 应激性溃疡 B. 消化性溃疡 C. 胃癌 D. 慢性胃炎 E. 食管静脉曲张破裂 [多项选择]有偿的法律行为包括( )。
A. 消费者在商场购买货物 B. 赠与行为 C. 工程队为顾客装修房屋 D. 为希望工程捐款 [多项选择]下列选项中有选举权的是( )。
A. 旅居国外的中国公民 B. 精神病患者 C. 正在职保候审或被监视居住的 D. 被判了管制附加剥夺政治权利的 [单选题]防台防汛期间,如运营结束后风力较大,可能造成卷帘门损坏时,车站可将卷帘门打开(____)减轻风压,并安排非女性员工进行看守。
A.四分之一 B.三分之一 C.二分之一 D.全开 [单项选择]A brisk walk in cool weather is invigorating.
A. short B. long C. lively D. solemn [单选题]因液压千斤顶顶升高度有限,达不到顶升高度要求时可采用二只千斤顶叠起顶升。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]通用寄存器又可分( )两类。
A.定点数 B.多点数 C.复点数 D.浮点数 [单选题]检查砂浆饱满度的工具是( )。
A.托线板 B.塞尺 C.百格网 D.水平尺 我来回答: 提交