Musicals, which developed out of the
British comedy at the end of the 19th century, are stage productions that use
popular-style songs and dialogs. They put together music and play, as well as
song and dance. In Europe, the US and Japan, the musical is a popular form of performing art. Musicals generally attract more people than do plays or classical music concerts. However, most Chinese people are still not familiar with this form of art. In 1987, the American musical The Music Man, a heart-warming story about a traveling sales- man who tries to trick a small town into buying his musical instruments, was introduced in China. In 1990, Sunrise was put on stage in Shanghai. It is considered the first Chinese musical in China’s history. But neither of these achieved as great a success as had been expected. This makes it clear t A. They are not taken as a form of art. B. They are highly enjoyed and welcomed. C. They are used to teach performing art. D. They are not as popular as concerts. [填空题]测试使用,当Hom开关设置为()时,UE将不会切出该小区;设置为()时,处于正常状态。
对这段文字理解正确的一项是( )。
A.经济因素是决定工作满意度的关键指标 B.同事关系融洽的工厂极少发生恶性纠纷 C.劳资双方的尊重和沟通有利于工厂和谐 D.靠增加薪酬并不能提高工人工作满意度 [判断题]飞机内的搜救重点位置为厕所、驾驶舱、舱门和紧急出口旁。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]168.44.0是 (36) 地址,它的广播地址是 (37) 。
A. C类 B. D类 C. B类 D. A类 [单选题]110~35kV 变电站的信息采集、控制由()电网调度控制系统的实时监控功能实现,并应遵循 DL/T 5002 相关要求。
A.地区及以下 B.省级 C.县级 D.地区 [单项选择] A Brief History of American Anti-Smoking Campaigns
The First Anti-Smoking Treatise
Tobacco is a native American plant that was first used as a smoking substance in the religious ceremonies of Indian medicine men in coastal regions of North and South America. Its use had become widespread in Europe by the late 1500s, but was not well received by all. King James I of England published what may be considered the first anti-smoking treatise in 1604, which described tobacco smoking as "a custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs".
Despite King James’’ effort, tobacco use, in the form of snuff dipping and pipe smoking spread in England and then quickly throughout the world. The English colonial companies, working against the wishes of the royal family, promoted the use of tobacco. Tobacco became a profitable export for the newly formed American colonies.
It was not until the 20th century that large num
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